
3 Stage Winterization:

  1. Warm crude to 30c
  2. Fully dissolve crude in 190 proof ethanol 10:1 (1L crude : 10L etoh)
  3. Allow mixture to cool to room temperature
  4. Filter over a silica slurry bed in a filter funnel
  5. Cool solution to 0c
  6. Repeat step 4
  7. Take a representative sample of the solution and add dry ice until the solution stops bubbling
  8. Repeat step 4 with sample
  9. If more solids are filtered out in step 8, repeat steps 7 and 8 with entire solution.
  10. If no solids were present in step 8, or after step 9, proceed to next process

Now you have two choices.

If pursuing a single pass end result, or do not wish to process your distillate between first and second passes, adsorbent scrubbing the crude while still in the ethanol solution is appropriate.

If the situation allows it, adsorbent scrubbing post first pass distillation, in an alkane solution is more effective.

Pre-First Pass Adsorbent Scrubbing:

  1. In a well ventilated area or fume hood, heat alcohol/oleoresin suspension to 80c (Just above the boiling point of ethanol and isopropanol).
  2. Measure 5% of total material volume in CBleach and slowly add to boiling suspension. (1000g oleoresin : 50g CBleach)
  3. Stir for 10-15 minutes while maintaining a minimum of 60C temperature.
  4. Allow solution to cool to approximately 40c and filter through silica over filter funnel
  5. Repeat steps 1-4, 2 to 3 times depending on color remediation necessary.

(Note, coarse grade carbon can replace CBleach for the first scrub if multiple scrubs are performed)

Degumming would be appropriate before first pass as well, but I will post an article on that later.


what do u think about using aluminum oxide instead of silica, ive seen others use it in procedures very similar to this one


Where would one purchase silica?

Alumina is a component of CBleach, makes for a great adsorbent. But for filtering, Celite 60 is cheap and properly structured


Google search “Celite 60”


A quick google search brings up Celite 545. Nothing comes up for Celite 60.

My bad, Celite 545 is what I meant.


Can we use D.E. as a replacement for Celite?

This one right?
@Killa12345 it seems to be the same thing by name?

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Im looking for the same answer you are…

I heard of people mixing in carbon powder during winterization and since fine carbon dust can move threw filters…ive heard people adding celite to bond to the carbon dust making it easier to filter… Ive never done this as celite was hard to find…BUT then i started hearing people using DE from the the hardware store or pool supply store in place of celite.

Im curious as to this as well as there is a pool supply store on every corner here. Loving learning new shit. I honestly think i learned more in the last month than the last 3 years combined.


You can use regular DE, but it is very slow. This specific Celite is structured for better flow characteristics.

And I figured out why I was trying to say Celite 60… Its actually

Silica Gel 60


Celite 545


Looking forward to that degumming article

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I am surprised the SOP doesn’t have the solution go below zero. I have previously heard do a 3 step filtration, going down to -78c.

Step 7, dry ice is very cold


We also sell a more cost effective activated bentonite which is rated for fast filtering (70-90seconds). This is the T5 product. Celite may be a bit cheaper but we are hoping to get qualitative results showing that it provides scrubbing while providing a filtration matrix.


The SOP never says to bring the whole solution down to -78, only to use it to test a sample

Step 9. If more solids are filtered out in step 8, repeat steps 7 and 8 with entire solution.




We currently have activated Alumina in inventory on standby…been waiting for SOPs like this to come out so we can add that ball to the juggling act.


Pool grade Celite from your pool supply does the job. Its made for filtration. Of course better stuff is out there and pool grade is not food grade, but its cheap. Iron in Celite is a potential issue. Try googling Perlite as well.