Need gummy recipe (recipe inside)

Just have more than you need and let em air-dry on a rack perhaps?

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Like in a clean room…over night… :+1:

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Oven Dry?! WAT?! Never heard of such things. I live in a swamp but never have I looked at the oven & said hey let’s put my gummys in…guess if it works, but why?!

I air dry with fan & current indoor air temps. Winter I’m dry in 24 hrs, summer it’s 36/48 hrs. Mold size has everything to do with your dry times.

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They mean drying the molds themselves after cleaning them.


Making another batch today for the fam. These ones are going to have a slightly funk after-taste, though as it’s hard to get good disty reliably in Canada. Some degraded terps left in this stuff so it has a little off odor. Least I got a discount, lol.


Citric acid to help mask the taste…

Plus helps with stability

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Yeah these are pretty sour with tartaric acid. I have tasted one and between the sourness and the load of strawberry flavor I put in the taste is pretty good, actually. I’m surprised given how this disty smelled, lol.

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Hey man did you ever find a gummy recipe?

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Are you kidding me! Did you atleast read the title of the thread?

Note the (recipe inside) that is in the title…

Now that you know that, read the thread, and then ask your questions.
Welcome to the forum


It’s amazing how much gummies can hide taste. I bloom 30-40kg of gelatin at a time and the smell is pretty gross, but none of that funk makes an impact on the taste.


Woahhhhhhhh bro! Fuck you man I didn’t see a recipe anywhere asshole. I thought stoners were supposed to be cool not a fucking dick like you.

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Its literally in the 5th fucking post you lazy fuck!
Have a nice day and good luck getting help, when you are so blatantly lazy.


I scrolled half way through until my thumb hurt and I found like 5 recipes some bangers from the stoner asshole @MillerliteRN and many others.

Just take it as constructive criticism that you should probably search a bit first before posting. All the info you need to make gummies is here if you read


Need gummy recipe (recipe inside) - Hash and Stuff / Edibles - Future4200

This one’s been working great for me.


How about FUCK YOU!

Take your dumb non-reading azz back to reddit.

Hows that from a stoner?


For grins and giggles I opened up a private browser tab and typed “Gummy recipe” and this is what I am presented:

If I click this topic from that list I am directed to this post: Need gummy recipe (recipe inside) - #487 by jvstin.svn

I point this out for a few reasons. When I started reading these forums sometime last year the format of this forum platform was moderately confusing to me at first. I did not understand I wasn’t always at the top of a topic. This was really confusing as conversations sometimes didn’t make any sense. Coming from regular forums, i expected to be placed on page 1, post 1 of a topic; not some best guess from the search.

This is not to defend @Cheftim’s behaviors or lack of curiosity for finding the answer, but to underscore that new users coming to this forum are at a minor disadvantage. Another posting recently came up where the search results (recarboxylation thread) seemed to lead one user to an answer, and another to the middle of nowhere. Some users were a little quick to assume no effort was done on their part.

I offer no solutions to this problem, I only wish to present the perspective as someone who is relatively new to this forum.



Most of the people couldnt bother with reading anything and leveling up. Leveling up is what this forum is/was about. With NO spoon feeding.
Back when I first cam here, I was NOT spoon fed anything, and I appreciate that 100%. @cyclopath helped me out with so much stuff in the beginning, had he spoon fed me I’d be asking stupid questions and expecting iv bags daily.

I leveled up 100000x, literally bu not being spoon fed.


Fuck you you cocksucking douche bag! I looked thru all 800 fucking stupid ass little comments and didn’t see an actual recipe just a bunch of jibberish from idiots like you! I guess me being a chef I would expect an actual recipe not some 800 dumb comments! This is my first time using a forum like this and now I know why… bunch of fucking losers who live in there mommas basement play call of duty and talk shit to someone over the internet. I would fuck you up if you ever talked to me like that in person.


Thank you! This site is confusing as fuck… I spent a whole night trying to read thru all the shit on here and when you click on what you think is a recipe it just another thread…

and that makes it right to call the guy who wrote up (Gummy recipe and SOP inside) a

just because you missed the recipe in post number 5 (and there are others too.)

BECAUSE he’s a nice guy, he actually wrote his whole damn process up. with pictures and pro tips.

title did say “Need Gummy recipe (recipe inside)”.

if you did in fact look at all 800 posts, you’ll find it started with

“I need a recipe”.

and by post 5 @raghanded had offered a recipe. then others added tips or modifications. then more recipes…eg post 34 and @Killa12345’s pointer to his fav at post 35.

tell me again you read all 800 posts…

or at least wrap your head around the fact that you’re biting the hand that was trying to feed you.