Internal Journal: Future's Pesticide Remediation Tek

Pesticide Journal Entry 1.pdf (634.4 KB)

Pesticide Remediation Myclo GLG v1.0.docx (13.6 KB)

Two methods for refining THC distillate, one a Liquid Phase extraction (LPE), the other a Solid Phase extraction (SPE), are presented. The LPE is performed with the distillate suspended in a non polar alkane, then washed with a range of pH balanced saline. This both extracts the water solubles and buffers the solution for proper adsorption during the SPE. The solution is then passed over a chromatography column loaded with MagSil-PR. The alkane is then recovered and the distillate is distilled a second time. The resulting distillate passes PPB residual testing for most common pesticides, specifically Myclobutanil.


How does this process affect terpenes and flavor?


If the distillation was done right, there shouldnā€™t be either.


Essential to remove the terps in the first distillation, or else they are liable to carry the myclo over


We are attempting to follow your remediation of pesticides process and have a few questions. During the purification and buffering with LPE does the order of ā€œwashingā€ matter. You mention 3 separate solutions at varying pH (4, 7, 9) You then stated that your first wash was at a pH of 9. Is it impactful/critical that we start with the pH9 solution? What is the effect of starting with the pH4 solution and then doing pH9 and then pH7(neutral)? Secondly, if your pH4 solution is below 4 is that acceptable (ie.2.4) or impactful?


More acidic will have a negative effect on the Cannabinoids at a certain point, not sure where/for how long.

I typically follow either high, low, neutral, or low, high, neutral. Havenā€™t noticed much difference


Thanks for the feedback. We will let you know our results from the low high neutral process.

Terpenes DEFINITELY carry over myclobutanil and several other pesticides, per my experiments utilizing the original form of this tek we developed on crude rather than on distillate. I had to test that side of the equation.


Same conclusion here. Iā€™m only recommending remediation of first pass or better distillate


Can you give us any more information on ARCON Journal?

I canā€™t find anything relevant online, and youā€™ve titled this post ā€˜Internal Journalā€™ ā€¦ is this a new phytocannabinoid extraction specific journal in the works per chance? Thatā€™d be super awesome ā€¦


Pretty much nailed itā€¦ specifics coming soon


How do you adjust the ph of the saline?

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As per the instructional PDF attached to the first post ā€¦ Citric acid and Sodium Bicarbonate.

Iā€™d imagine Calcium Carbonate and Acetic Acid would also work ā€¦ or any number of other combinations.


We went low, high, neutral and it worked brilliantly. Got the most clear extract we have produced to date. Will try high, low, neutral next run. Thanks for the insight.


Beautiful! Did you add CBleach after the saline scrub?


Absolutely. Made all the difference in the world.


Was this pesticide remediation, or just an exercise in clarity?

If the former, do you have lab results before and after? Not that I doubt anything Future has written, but would be great to have this verified independently here on the forum too!

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@aclcular, this was for pesticide removal. Current batch is in for testing today. Should have results by the end of the day. We will share them as we get them.


how was the yield? At what point do you know you have put enough material in before any pesticides find their way through? is it color based? how many g material per g magsil is the sweet spot?

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Interesting to see that you are recombining the 4 fractions you collect. Have you tested each fraction for THC concentrations?