Water Soluble(Nano Emulsified THC SOP)

This is my contribution to the cannabis industry I hope you all enjoy.

(updated version with pictures coming soon)
Downloadable file
Nano Emulsified THC SOP(water soluble).docx (17.7 KB)

Written out for those who don’t want the file

Nano Emulsified THC (Water Soluble) SOP

I have written this SOP for the cannabis community and to give back to all the people that helped me get where I am, as well as in hopes it will keep encouraging this community to share and develop together. If you paid for this SOP I am sorry.

Equipment and Supply List

  1. Ultrasonic Homogenizer(must reached 20Khz frequency)
  2. Heated magnetic Stir Plate
  3. 2000ML Beaker x1
  4. 1000ML Beaker x6
  5. Magnetic Stir Rods
  6. Distillate of your target cannabinoid
  7. Surfactant Blend (for this SOP I use Sonomechanics ALL in One)
  8. Small Vacuum Pump
  9. .2um Sterile Filter PES Fast Filter(foxxlifesciences or cole parmer) *it is crucial that it is a fast filter model or you will not have a fun time filtering your final product. Link to filters below
  1. GL45 1000ml Bottles x3
  2. Ice
  3. Large bowl
  4. Distilled Water

For this example I will be showing you how to roughly get 30mg per 1ml of water soluble.

The ratio of surfactant to distillate will be 5:1 so for 30g of distillate we will need 150g of all in one.

Step 1
Place the 2000ml beaker on the magnetic stir plate and set the temperature to 50C. Then place the 150g of surfactant and allow it to melt down

Step 2
Heat up the 30g of distillate so that it can flow into the melted surfactant evenly and throw in a magnetic stir rod. Allow the magnetic stir rod to mix the surfactant and distillate for 30 minutes.

Step 3
Measure out 1000ml of distilled water then pour it slowly into the mixture. Turn up the rpm for the magnetic stir rod till you see the solutions start to funnel downward. Allow the solution to mix for 30-40 minutes. (it is normal to see distillate and surfactant stuck on the walls of the glass don’t try to scrape it down)
Step 4
Once the mixture looks like a thick white milk and there Is nothing left on the walls of the beaker you are ready to start sonicating your solution
You will need to pour 300ml increments into two of the 1000ml beakers.
Place one 1000ml beaker in a bowl of ice with a little water to help transfer the colder temp of the ice to the outside of the beaker and the other inside your ultrasonic homogenizer.

Step 5
Make sure that the horn of your ultrasonic is as close to the bottom of the beaker without touching the glass, this will increase cavitation of the molecules.
Step 6
Turn on the ultrasonic and set the controls to be on for 15 seconds with 3 second breaks. It is absolutely vital that you set the temperature stop to 48 C. The ultrasonic will boil and destroy your work if you do not set the over temp to 48 C.
Step 7
Once the solution reaches 48 C you will take it out of the ultrasonic and swap it with the other 1000ml beaker (300ml inside) that is sitting in the ice bath
Step 8
Repeat steps 6 and 7 until each 300ml increment has been in the ultrasonic 4 times. At this point you will notice that the solution is no longer a milky color it will be a yellow transparent liquid.
Step 9
Once you have put all of the mixture through the ultrasonic homogenizer the appropriate amount of times it is time to pull out a .2um sterile filter and a GL45 bottle.
Screw the Filter onto the GL45 bottle
Connect one end of the vacuum tubing to your hose barb that comes with each filter and the other end to the vac in port on the vac pump.

Step 10
Pour your emulsified solution into the filter and turn on the vac pump. Allow the entire solutions to be filtered, This should only take 1-3 minutes tops if your particle size has been done right.
Take off the filter and dispose of it properly.

Step 11
Knowing that 1ml equals roughly 30mg (depending on the purity of your starting distillate) dose out drinks or syrups accordingly
Keep in mind it will be bitter. This is due to the fact that when distillate is in its natural state the molecules are too big to penetrate our taste buds hence why distillate real taste and feels like bland oil in your mouth. However when it’s down to 20-40 nanometers its true bitter flavor floods our taste buds and can be overwhelming if not masked.

I hope you all enjoyed this SOP

  • Zack

Thank you! I requested this on another thread.
Though I don’t have use for this yet I’ve always wanted to see someone’s water soluble SOP.


How’s the onset time compared to a normal edible/tincture.


On set is like 10-15 minutes and gives an extreme euphoria. It’s honestly a new kind of edible high, and considering it bypasses your liver and permeates through your cell membrane upon immediate ingestion it lasts long and no 11-hydroxy-THC conversions inside the body


You’re welcome I just hope it helps get the tek developed further than it already has been


What’s the shelf life

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That’s what I’ve heard, I’m going to see if I can find a decently priced ultrasonic homogenizer.
I enjoy the convenience of edibles but I don’t always get the best effect, I now dose them 50/50 with cbd. But with no 11hydroxythc, I might like it better.


Dm me your email I work for scientific solutions I can get you a great price on one


6 months in the fridge


Awesome write up! Thanks for the contribution!

1 Like

Thank you! Update version with pictures of each step coming soon


Water soluble for dummies, ftw.
I cant wait for the picture book.
Nice write up man, very nice.
I was just about to throw some doe at this.
Much appreciated BOSS!

This would be a nice addition to my gummy SOP.




Great post, thank you!

If I may add, I use one of these with my ultrasonicator



Happy to be of service to the industry


I am new on this forum and I have one qustion. We are trying to do an emulsion to spray dry. Do you have any advice which surfactants we should use to get the best result?


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do you have a link to this piece of glassware?

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Here ya go


Man that woulda been so nice when I was doing batch sonication. Have you had any issues with cracking or micro-cracks in the jacket with one of these? I broke a jacketed lab society head by sonicating it (got a microscopic crack that let water into the jacket) which is why I wonder.


I’ve not done enough batches to honestly put them through the paces, so far so good though! They’re not terrible expensive, I’d get a backup just in case