THC-O-Acetate shelf life

Our experience is that it did have a short shelf life and developed a quick sharp vinegar bite as it aged. We made it 10 gram batches that when split amongst students or ourselves didn’t last long enough to see how it would do long term.

I kept mine in a closed 2 dram balm jar, but made no attempts to use a desiccant or exclude atmospheric moisture, which I later learned was probably the culprit.

Perhaps dissolving it in a hydrophobic medium might slow that down.


I might also note that my last attempt to create THC-O-A starting with CBD isolate went south because the stirring hot plate I currently have lacks the heat control and stirring requirements.

I have the rest of the lab equipment and the chemicals for the conversion, with plans to run it again once I clear my garage/lab of equipment returned from a lawsuit, or the weather clears enough to run again on my patio.

I personally liked the effects which for me was a noticeable color brightening shift and a general feeling of contentment and good will toward life and the universe.

Without exception our students liked it, with the most common comment, “Oh Wow”, and the second most was, “that is not at all what I was expecting.”


Best of luck on your suit. I’m definitely curious about the effects of cannabinoids I haven’t consumed yet.


Thanks, the suit is ostensibly over and we are moving forward again.

I forgot to mention that the “Oh Wow” is ostensibly from how fast it arrives. The THC-O-A more readily passes the blood brain barrier so the effects arrive within seconds in a rush. The color shift is a little shrommery.


Sign me up :heart:


Ready and willing guinea pig here, at your service :^)

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Just received some samples and wow is right so when will people start to call this poison as well. As I see it this has so much potential but will it vilified like D8

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Agreed. Most retail consumers are still trying to wrap their brains around delta 8 yet alone THC-o acetate.

I also think the term acetate throws people off and consumers think it’s a nail polish remover or harsh chemical. When i have explained it people will sometimes associate it with spice in their head. A local store out here freaked out on one of the vendors and said “isnt that shit stronger than mushrooms and acid!” and refused to hear anything about it hahaha. When you first google “TCH-o acetate” on your phone the first post from google literally says a more psychedelic cannabinoid stonger than THC

Now that is a description that is attractive to me personally, but i dont know about smoke shop / hemp dispensary owners. And i also disagree with that statement. I think the body high might be twice as strong but the head high seems to be about the same but certain effects like color brightening are more apparent.


Body effects are for sure heavier than anything on the market I enjoyed watching my wife dig herself deeper into the couch for a few hours Def couch lock head high is nice. I honestly haven’t hit my pens in over a week as I legit lost all productivity for 3 days when I first got them and couldn’t figure out why I was so tired.

It’s good shit I think a 1:4 ratio with d8 is a banger but won’t duck around until I know more.

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I spent sunday smoking on mixture with THCo and literally did not move all day! i felt like a piece of shit when i finally got off my ass to get groceries for the week at 9 pm

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D8 or d9 ?

mainly 9 my carts do have some d8 in them tho


My brother is immobile due to scheduled knee surgery in 6 weeks and I told him I’d drop it off help zone out since he is in agony I hope it helps and he doesn’t forget his knee is shredded. (Car accident phys therapy needed before surgery)

But mine was d8thco not sure if yours was made from d9 or which according to Kotk smacks even harder.

8-months later and the THC-O-Acetate I have is still just as potent with no vinegar smell or taste. Just dabbed some last night. It’s hands down my favorite cannabinoid, personally. Being in the arid NM desert probably helps, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t keep indefinitely if stored with some desiccants in an air-tight container.


Where did you get yours?

Anyone have experiences with the shelf life of infused THCo? Thought about making a syrup a la Water Soluble(Nano Emulsified THC SOP) but i wonder if hydrolysis would be a problem.

Just chelate the bond and it has a long lasting property :wink:

Chelated cannabinoids? First time I’ve heard of this. You use potassium, magnesium or a different metal? Any chance you could point me in the right direction?

Wondering about the safety of smoking THC- O-A, I feel it should be ingested and not inhaled?


Good point although I’ve never ingested it myself!

I think I also may have figured out why THC-O-A is unstable. In storage it develops an acetic bite and I note that the combination of ketene and water makes acetic acid.