Water Soluble(Nano Emulsified THC SOP)

I’d suggest one of these:

It doesn’t need to be this exact one but after the initial heat phase if your SOP needs it to stay cold, when I used to lyse cells through sonication we would just keep the beaker inside an insulated ice bucket to help with the temperature increase from the sonication. Might make it a bit more convenient than swapping beakers.


@sweethemp recent topic. Figured you’d appreciate.


Yea I was going to say the same thing to him, but he already posted into this thread. So he already knows :man_shrugging:

Edit: My bad, I only thought he had posted in here. I was wrong.

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What’re you guys talking about?

sweethemp has a thread looking to buy water soluble.


Ah gotcha. Yeah if you aren’t worried about clean label or using pre-made emulsifier mixes it’s pretty easy and cost effective to do yourself, this is a totally reasonable SOP.


I can send you a quote for a blend that is specifically made to be spray dried afterward dm me your email and ill make it happen.


LOVE IT THANK YOU for the add!

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thank you for the compliment!

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Ya i may not of posted but def downloaded this. The main driver for my desire for water soluble is the bio availability it seems to really help my neck pain. Which was persisting for over 2 weeks prior to dosing water sol d8 from VanaLabs.

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have you tried it with d9?

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@anon56994712 this one.

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can u send it to me and I also wanted to ask what you do about the bitter taste what do you add to mask it?

Bitter blockers, flavor modifiers, and or using naturally bitter flavors that compliment the nano.


this is for both liquid and powder nano the initial process is the same the only difference between the liquid and powder is you need a spray dryer and the initial surfactant blend needs to be different

I’m new to this forum also and I have a question for anybody that can help me figure out the answer. 20 years ago I made white THC powder that was tasteless and water soluble and odorless. It was a two-step process I could take an ounce of swag Bud turn it into white powder in 30 minutes to an hour in my kitchen. I tried it recently it’s been 20 years remember and the new products all the hydrobud it turns into a thick molasses when I try to turn it into powder with my old process any suggestions?

Can you be a bit more specific?


Hi everybody!
I’m a personal medical user. I had quit dabbing 2 years ago in favor of edibles, but recently started dabbing again because edibles just weren’t doing it anymore.

At my peak I was taking 1000mg a day of distillate infused edibles made by myself using mostly gummies or cough drops as the medium.

The edibles worked great, it’s just I started at 100mg and found myself having to continually bump up the dose significantly to keep them working.

With all that said, I’m real curious about water soluble distillate and whether or not it would be worth the investment for me. I already have access to all the clean and tested distillate I’d need, but I’d have to buy all the lab equipment still.

I’m confirmable with performing the procedure, but my question is, would it be worth my time? Would it make a difference in my day to day or would I run into the same issues eventually.

You likely have heard of the bioavailability claims. While they possibly do increase the bioavailability it’s hard to test such a study. And you will probably run into the same issues you have now.

It sounds like you’re tolerance is increasing due to chronic use and therefore requiring such high doses. Does you condition allow you to take breaks? I’ve found a 1-2 week break increases my sensitivity, 4 weeks drastically so. If your condition doesn’t allow that, perhaps every other?

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Yeah that’s kind of what I was thinking. Although I won’t suffer any long term consequences of taking a break, it would definitely decrease my quality of life for some time. Still, maybe I should try to work towards an every other day type situation.

The drag there is that cannabis works great for me. Dabbing produces reliable and consistent help immediately, anytime any day. Unfortunately, as well as that works I can tell the difference in my lungs after only 2 weeks back at it and I’m annoying the people around me with frequent throat clearing.

I appreciate the feedback!