The Glossary / Ideas and chat

Part of the standardization work taking place in the industry centers around consistent nomenclature. I am heading to the ASTM D37 subcommittee meeting later this month and definitions are a big part of what we will be hashing out.

Concentrates, End Products (?)
BHO (Butane Hash, or Honey, Oil) A class of extracts, made using Butane in a CLS
Bubble Hash A process through which trichomes are mechanically separated from cannabis with ice water and progressively finer screens
Shatter A stable, fully purged, semi crystaline BHO extract. Formed in a vaccum oven.
Wax A form of cannabis oil, often butane
Butter (Budder) A form of cannabis oil, used for hydrocarbon extracts as well as rosin. Characterized by it’s opacity and texture
Batter A form of cannabis oil, used for hydrocarbon extracts as well as rosin. Characterized by it’s opacity and texture
RSO (Risck Simpson Oil) Originally made with Naptha, now typically made with Ethanol. Intended to be a full fat, acidic cannabinoid rich, full spectrum consumable
Tincture Extract dissolved in an ethanol or glycerin base
Crude The yield from an extraction intended to be distilled
Distillate The condensed vapor from a distillation (SPD or WFE) of crude
Sauce Hydrocarbon extract with a high terpene content such that it flows freely independent of the crystalline cannabinoid material
Crystals (Diamonds) THCa or broad spec cannabinoids made through crystallization in a supersaturated solvent solution
Live Resin Cannabis resin extracted from fresh, frozen plant material
Live Rosin Hash rosin made from hashish made with fresh, frozen material
Processing Terms:
Bag Filter filter used to contain plant material separate from extracts/concentrates, called a work bag in solventless applications
Beaker Glassware used to mix and pour solutions
Broad Spectrum an oil which retains a significant amount of it’s original components
Buchner Funnel A filter funnel which uses vacuum assist to move material through filter media
Cartridge Filter Filter that loads into a cannister and is used in high flowrate/production situations
CLS (Closed Loop System) Extraction system which removes extraction gas from extract in a separate collection vessel. Has many options
Distillation A process by which material is fractioned into it’s core components using heat, special distillation apparatus, and vacuum
Dercarboxylation (DeCarb) a chemical reaction that removes a carboxyl group and releases carbon dioxide, activates THC to make it pyschoactive
Evaporation the process of liquids becoming gas
Extraction removal of a substance from the parent material by use of chemical processes
Extractor equipment used to extract substances from parent material, see CLS
Falling Film device used to concentrate solutions
Flashpoint the temperature at which a substance may spontaneously combust
Flasks Seal-able glass labware which is often used to hold chemicals or allow basic reactions to occur
Fractional distillation separation of chemical components by boiling points
Freezers used to cool material below the freezing point of water
Fritted Glass kiln melted discs made from powdered glass of various porosity, used as a filter
Full Spectrum an oil that has not been refined to remove any of it’s original components
Gas a state of matter characterized by the dispersion of molecules
Gas Ballast
GCMS Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectroscopy, an analytical technique
Glassware glass laboratory equipment
Ground glass joints Glass joints which are seal-able, see also Keck clip
Hot Plate Heating source for glassware and college kids
HPLC High pressure liquid chromatography
Hydrocarbon (including conjugated) a compound made up of hydrogen and carbon, such derived from petroleum products
Joint grease grease used to improve the seal on ground glass joints
Keck clamp clamps used to improve the seal on ground glass joints
KF-16, KF-25, etc. vacuum fittings
Lenticular Filter
Liquid Liquid Extraction a method that uses relative solubility of a compound to move between solvents
Microns (vacuum) level of vacuum, 0 being absolute vacuum and 760,000 being sea level atmospheric pressure
Microns (pore size) 1 millionth of a meter
Miscible forms a homogeneous mixture
Mobile Phase “The liquid or gas that flows through a chromatography system, moving the materials to be separated at different rates over the stationary phase.”
Molecular distillation (mean free path molecular flow)
Naptha hydrocarbon solvent
Oleoresin naturally occurring oils and resins extracted from plants
Phase Transition the transition between different states of matter, i.e. liquid/solid/gas/plasma
Pirani sensor used to measure vacuum pressure
Polarity “a separation of electric charge leading to a molecule or its chemical groups having an electric dipole moment, with a negatively charged end and a positively charged end.”
Polymer “a substance or material consisting of very large molecules, or macromolecules, composed of many repeating subunits”
Propane C3H8, hydrocarbon alkane gas
PTFE (Teflon) Non-stick, non-reactive coating. Used commonly for gasket material and storage
Purging the process of removing solvents from an extract
Radley Reactors
Reactors vessels which are used to perform chemical reactions at a larger scale
Short Path Distillation (SPD) a distillation technique which moves the distillate only a short distance
Silica gel dessicant material used to remove moisture from products
Solubility ability of a substance to dissolve in a particular solvent
Solvent Recovery the process of removing solvents and concentrating them for re-use
Stationary Phase chromatography media
Sublimation spontaneous transition from a solid state to a gas state, e.g. dry ice
Thermocouple sensor that detects temperature
Vacuum distillation distillation performed under reduced pressure
Vacuum Oven used to purge extracts under vacuum and gentle heat
Vacuum Pump- Diaphragm/Membrane
Vacuum Pump- Dry Scroll
Vacuum Pump- Rotary Vane
Vacuum Vessel a chamber used to draw vacuum, see vacuum oven
Vapor a substance that is suspended in air
Volatiles compounds that are susceptible to degradation
WFE (Wiped Film Evaporation)
Winterization the process of removing lipids and waxes, typically by freezing cannabis extract solutions to extreme temperatures and removing the solids
Butane C4H10, Hydrocarbon gas used to extract cannabis oils
Ethanol Ethyl alcohol
Methanol Methyl alcohol
Hexane C6H14, liquid alkane solvent
Pentane C5H12, liquid alkane solvent
CO2 Carbon dioxide, used in supercritical extraction systems

f4200 glossary.xlsx (53.7 KB)


If this is a call for ideas may I suggest adding to the list of terms “concentrate”. As you are well aware this precise definition is used in Oregon as a different unique term from “extract. The difference of course can have profound legal consequences in Oregon so may be relevant?

For solvents I noticed an important one, Methanol, was excluded. Acetone as well and isopropyl alcohol. Those three are used by me every batch in some fashion as a rule if I have some. Methanol in particular is useful for its unique relationship to hexane (immiscible). This makes LLE purification possible if desired and I can confirm it is an effective technique. Pretty cheap too.

If this was not a call for opinion please disregard everything and Great Post!

Good luck at that conference. Sitting for hours hashing out minutiae of phraseology in an industry of stoners earns you a fat boy reefer in heaven for sure. Sitting around debating this sort of stuff might be fun but if I was forced to choose between doing that and staring at the sun with binoculars…hmmm… let me think on that a while… Thank you for doing this because it will help all.


Please! That’s just a list. I need definitions. U/Sidco can we have a wiki database or something?

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Add oleoresin to the list, in the context of this industry…


Here are relevant terms I use unique to this endeavor and that I may have noted are often used in conflicting ways or incorrectly, or just not known.

Hydrocarbon (including conjugated)
Mobile Phase
Stationary Phase
Phase Transition
Boiling Point
Microns (vacuum)
Liquid Liquid Extraction
PTFE (Teflon)
Gas Ballast
14/20, 24/40, etc. (ground glass joints)
Joint grease
Keck clamp
Simple distillation
Fractional distillation
Vacuum distillation
Molecular distillation (mean free path molecular flow)
Fast, medium, slow paper lab filters
Pirani sensor
KF-16, KF-25, etc.
Silica gel


Good coffee (100% Kona!!!)

This was what my 2 am mind came up with. I left out all the phrases I normally use after something like a sublimator blows up or I drop my ENTIRE stash hot and bubbling in a glass 50 ml beaker onto my hardwood floor (one ounce!!!). What was that word again? It was a lot of them I think… :nerd_face:


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Knowledge

I will start taking definitions for

Dont worry about making them too long or short - If they can be filed into a category on the thread that would be great. This will be an organic process. I am hoping this thread can contain all ‘the mess’ - there will be replies with definitions of as much as possible and we (the community) will pick the best results for the official thread.

This is going to be :fire:

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Cat wants the Wiki :kissing_cat:

did we get the wiki?

In effort to streamline the community contribution on this, here’s the most current .xls for this project

Glossary.xlsx (6.5 KB)

$50 in bitcoin to the first person to finish filling in the gaps on the existing upload, with quality content, and then upload the updated version a response below.

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Iso butane and hydrocarbon blends might be good to add to solvents category

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won’t let me upload .xls, I filled in what I could

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Okay, I want to contribute to this project as much as possible, but I’m unsure how—do I add to the google sheet or just post ideas on the forum?

For instance, distillation should be segmented into several categories. There’s such a broad range of distillation modalities throughout the extraction process that it’s unwise to standardize a definition of distillation without creating reference to the breadth of that specific unit operation. e.g. short path distillation, wiped-film distillation, centrifugal distillation, “typical” distillation (like we see in a rotovap or falling film) etc.

Next, what’s the timeline on this? If we create a timeline, then those in the community who have a lot to contribute can lead a conversation (maybe Skype/zoom based) so that COLLABORATION occurs.

Nothing is worse than standardizing an industry’s nomenclature without involving people from several disciplines. For example, there’s a huge inconsistency in what analytical labs va extraction labs label a concentrate as.

Just my 0.02$

I’d love to contribute.


@sidco do we have some type of restrictions on uploading .xls?

Add to the excel sheet. We will begin regularly updating both the OP list as well as the wiki

Agreed, do it

This is from June of 2018. The timeline is now. Collaboration will happen as much as possible.

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here’s a google sheets as a workaround

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Solid. I’d say that qualifies for the $50 btc. DM me an addy and I’ll shoot it over in the morning.

I will also update the above list with this revision as well as the official .xls file.

@sidco what do we need to do to integrate the wiki

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just donate the money to Texas NORML or something if that’s alright




We sure did. List expanded