BHO clean up tech

:slight_smile: which would be why @Sidco_Cat is working on a nomenclature project…

whoops: sorry. I took the solo cup as in indication that you were still open blasting. it seems out of place with the rest of the equipment you list.

the primary issue folks have with winterization using ethanol is that purging the ethanol also looses a big chunk of the terpenes. if you’ve already poured them off, then winterizing your “thc + fats” fraction would seem like the correct response.

solvent recovery is mostly done in the rotovap. then into the vac oven for slabs.

making Ethanol based shatters is a thing, so there is no issues with decarbing during solvent removal. or more correctly, that issue can & has been addressed, and is easily managed with the weaponry you have on hand.