so open ALL the cells, and add 3lb of water per gallon of ethanol?!?
that takes you down to ~65% ethanol. which will A) do a lousy job of pulling cannabinoids, B) pull all sorts of other things
THEN let that mess sit for a month?
was it open to atmosphere during that month? Allowing more water to be pulled in/more ethanol to evaporate.
The worst oil I ever had was when a buddy insisted that yield would be better if it soaked for a week, at room temp of course. He was right. And the oil was just like smoking resin scraped out of a pipe.
I use a harbor freight funnel from the funnel packs that are sold for gasoline usage because they’re PTFE.
I clean out the funnel with 70% iso and I use a gasket filter. Everything gets cleaned with iso beforehand and everything gets cleaned with iso afterwards.
Yeah but smoke isn’t good for your gut either. I’ve been taking probiotics this year because I learned how important it is to take care of your gut flora.
Anybody done any tests(lab data) on oil infusion rather than etoh extraction?
I’ve done a few batches of decarbed sugar leaf trim infused into organic sunflower oil. Shit definitely gets you high, both consumed as straight oil and used in baked goods but anecdotal evidence is obv. not science.
Method is:
decarb @ 180 for 2 hours
soak decarbed material in sunflower oil at ~140f for 18 hours
drain/squeeze via cheesecloth to separate particulate from oil
consume via medicine dropper
Is this going to pull significantly less than an etoh extraction? I started using this method because etoh is just more of a hassle to deal with and I don’t have an etoh pro
I know we’re talking cannabis smoke but smoke of any kind will effect your gut and digestive system.
Cannabis smoke even though the effects of cannabis being beneficial, the smoke is still a carcinogen.
You can smoke a bong with 20 percolating filters, have as many attachments as you want, hell have a bong that has 10 ft worth of percolating filter attachments and you’ll still be getting carcinogens in your gut and lungs.
I’d love to try a 1gr rso suppository I’d be down to boof an rso suppository
if i mention it my wook will boof a gummy. Is there such a thing as a cbd mentual gummy vag suppository? I may like selling to that crowd because women my age are becoming post menstrual. All that drama.
yeah, so what the hell IS full spectrum and which of the many constituents is actually performing the anti-cancer function so often attributed to “RSO”?
There are whole bunch of chemicals in cannabis that are NOT cannabinoids, and there is still (an outside) possibility that it’s not actually the cannabinoids that are responsible.
@CallipygianDabs isn’t a fan of search links, but I think this one is informative…