Micro-crystalline THCa in trichomes?

@Ralf …the experiments you proposed a while back concerning melting bubble hash at various temperatures may have to be revisited.
The “new” low temp pressing process deserves close inspection.
If one were to do the same experiment where the bubble hash is put in 10u bag and double bagged…and then the top folded edge…super glued to a glass plate, just to hold it in place , and the plate was placed vertical into an oven at a temp that was just below the crystalline melting point of THCA. ( In this case the vertical placement imparts a gravitational force similar to a centrifuge) Can we find a temp where only THCA crystalline state and Capitate Hulls are left in the bag.
Ethanol, Pentane and base water all leave “ghost hulls” after extraction. Isolated stalks do the same. “If you extract only bubble hash you would be intimately familiar with the ghost hulls”

When doing the low temp series of presses to leave crystalline THCA behind, are we draining terpenes from a micro crystalline dispersion of pre existing (in situ) THCA crystals or are we precipitating crystalline THCA from terpene solution?
If the crystalline THCA RCOOH…is precipitating from the aqueous phase…we dont have to think about the terp-soup solution.

Let us a l so thank @RALPH for his innovative experiment proposal.


Why wait?

Just spin it….


my whole thing with this is… who the fuck cares?

we all know weed has terps in it. it’s a big part of the reason a lot of us consume it.
does anyone really care if we call it a solvent or chemical or whatever the fuck?

I know I don’t.
We’re having a debate over marketing words. c’mon man… lol


that the pedantics reckon rosin is chemically extracted? not me.

that THCA might exist as crystals in the trichomes? seems worth looking at…


Ah yeah, I’m just talking about the whole “is rosin really solventless?” debate.
like, we know there’s terpenes in there. I don’t give a shit what marketing words are attached to it.


I smash the trash can hash in the press HURRRR HURRRR HURRR HURRRRRRR

Guys did you know water is a solvent!?


Nah, water is just HO’s on H…that don’t ‘solve nothing


Totally agree. Also didn’t mean to orphan your comment…would absolutely like to engage some of the clever folks around here in exploring how our target actually exists as presented by the plant.

Hoping that pulling this into its own topic gets us there

Here is the experiment @moronnabis was referring to…


I missed the market venue.

I would stipulate that when the terps start escaping the thca start cristalization.

arent there any ppl with a high powered microscope around?

would explain dry sift always sticking less?


Yes, that is an interesting observation. The dry-state trichome must be considered as unique and different


I really wanted to divert cause the topic was started by someone who only has hype for having a vagina sorry not sorry.

Wouldnt everything start crystallizing in the drying stage if that was correct? Than again there are very large differences in some flavored compounds of cannabis as some aromas will leave by room temp and others wont boil away at 300 degrees F. Has anyone actually ever just collected heads and tested it? Ive read case studies years ago about trichomes and theres ALOT of synthase processes and more occuring. Not to mention the multitude of componenets we havnt identified yet.


100% correct…I have provided reference to those studies in “Butane works but no theory”.
I also have some studies going attempting separate in situ crystalline forms from aqueous anion solution form.
There is credible data to suggest that crystalline-cannabinoic acid forms do exists in situ isolated trichomes.
That is RCOOH form.
Aprotic polar solvent such as Acetonitrile may selectively remove RCOOH form cannabinoic acid but not RCOO- anion. It is complicated by the possibility that the Anion form exists in an equilibrium with an intramolecular hexyl ring h-bonded to ortho OH moiety. Such alpha OH carboxylic acids are known to exhibit enhanced Octanol water partition coefficients when compared to normal alkyl carboxylic acids. Such forms(anions and intramolecular h-bonded ring) are suppressed by acidification and choice of solvent. A classic example is using Acetonitrile acidified with Formic acid often used as a HPLC solvent. Acetonitrile alters the pKa of cannabinoic acid to a much higher value and the formic provides hydronium with a minor amount of water present. As @cyclopath points out we are looking for experiments that further our knowledge of the in situ states of cannabinoic acids in Trichomes.


When it comes to keef or trikes, the actual composition is a major component of plant excretions. Within volume dry sift about half of the volume itself in THC and terps. The rest (other half) is plant secretions of general matter and carbohydrates and some useless compounds.

This is why generally when extracting dry sift or keef you have about a half return and within that half is still some unwanted compounds.

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And why more often than not when you press it, you’re gonna have some sort of darkness in there. Everyone thinks sifting is the magic key to producing tons of rosin without having to do the hard work of a wash, freeze drying and prep. The water is taking a lot of that unwanted crap out of there and doing a huge favor.


I would argue sifting is indeed the magic key for scaling rosin, given the right genetics… i have proof of this as I’ve made high quality rosin from dry sift that wasn’t sifted with care and it was nowhere near being considered “dark”.

There is merit to the exploration and innovation of sifting, as well as the exploration of what’s in the sphere mannnn

Following for this… i have many goopy globes of resin rich wonder trichs to sacrifice in any amount for the sake of any hash experiment… can melt hash for months…

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Go ahead, resort to your memery in an attempt to shut me down. There is merit to dry sift rosin. If you can’t produce quality rosin from dry sift and you need to refer to one of my many shenanigans to lay claim that I’m not credible… well friend that’s a skill issue of your own.

Seriously though… have you never been curious before?

Have you never wondered what the hash would be like or if it would even be hash?

I wondered, wonder is the foundation of discovery… so i washed spent material.

I’ve done many things here most extractors wouldn’t dare do and my nonsense has lead to the creation of cannabis products so potent a dab the size of a pen tip will make your body numb. I have no regrets about any of the stupid things I’ve said or done or am yet to do, I’m not done learning.

Ultimately my point is i learnt from it, i discovered you can indeed wash the trichomes off of flower that has been extracted with butane… it was interesting to see, i had a pile of trichomes that would not stick or bond together under any circumstance, no amount of heat, pressure or even moisture would allow for any degree of bonding to occur, if you’ve played with dry sift before you would know trichomes are relatively hydrophobic when dry but they can be “wet” not without a fair bit of effort paired with some rigorous mixing… sound familiar…?.. when trichomes are fully saturated with moisture… they become very sticky… this means they’re being damaged and that they’re rupturing… as the trichome itself isn’t sticky… conclusion… water is damaging to trichomes… anyways i found it fascinating that the trichomes extracted from spent material wouldn’t stick or bond to each other… giving rise to the conclusion that whatever is responsible for the bonding is separate from the structure itself, also giving rise to conclusion that water is stealing my minors and volatiles…

I’m not afraid to fuck around and find out, even if it is “stupid” to you, there is always something to be learnt.

Dude…are you a troll or do you actually believe your own hype?

'it was interesting to see, i had a pile of trichomes that would not stick or bond together under any circumstance, no amount of heat, pressure or even moisture would allow for any degree of bonding to occur"

Then you didn’t have a pile of heads, you almost certainly extracted stalks. The heads and capitate stalks would’ve been 90% wiped by eve a decent butane extraction.

You can call it “wonder” but I would wager there have been people “wonder” about leak testing their closed loops with a lighter, doesn’t make it a good idea.

You trying to act like washing pre extracted material was some sort of ground breaking experiment is fucking hilarious.


He fucked around and now he will forever be known as the Reddit Retard. The greatest one to have ever graced this forum in fact.

Challenged only by WKUCONSULTING