TL;DR for those of you who don’t like reading novels:
- My private licenced company - EnCann Solutions Inc. - is raising $1m CAD / ~$800k USD for our CBD/THC extraction operation in Kelowna, BC, Canada.
- If you give us money, we will give you shares (equity) or an interest rate (debt) or a mix of both. We’re flexible.
- We only have a single share class, no supermajority MegaVeto founder share bullshit here
- If none of you give us money, we’ll still get where we need to go. It’ll just take us longer. And you won’t make any money in the process.
- When CBD gets deregulated in Canada it’s
- This is us, as seen on page 3 of our pitch deck:
Until we get the ~$1m the court says we’re owed by the guy who screwed us over two+ years ago, we need more money than we presently have in the bank.
We should have a reasonably significant amount of revenue in August, and we could eventually just fund everything out of operations, even if we don’t ever get the money we’re owed. But that takes time, and I don’t like waiting - I want to do it BIG and RIGHT and FAST.
My personal motto is more is better, that’s what more means.
I want to be able to rip through 1000kg/hr of biomass come harvest time. On ~300 kW of energy or less.
We’ve had a really hard time getting average investors up to speed on wtf we’re doing with extraction and why it’s awesome, probably because Canada is weird, math is hard, and they can’t be sure we’re not just selling snake oil.
I figure this is the place on the internet with the highest concentration of people who actually understand extraction, and it’s possible that one or more of you might have a pile of cash floating around that you want to turn into a bigger pile of cash.
We’ve got due diligence for days. Whatever you could possibly ask for, we’ve probably already given it to someone.
Here’s some stuff we’ve done recently as a company:
- got our Standard Processor licence from Health Canada so we can finally make drugs and money
- filed for two different patents - one on a piece of equipment, one on a process
- spent way too much time updating our investor presentation / pitch deck and put it up on our website
- had a shiny video made about the company
- wrote an article about industrial scale extraction with a bit of math for the tech types
- did a video on our plan to take over the world
- did a bunch of other videos you can see on our youtube channel
- and started posting a lot of stuff on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Instagram. (I know our IG is weak. I promise it’ll get better now that we’re licenced and legal and able to actually do things.)
You may be asking yourself, who is this guy sticking his hand out for my hard-earned dollars?
Some of y’all know me, I’ve been here for a minute or two. But I’m sure a lot of you don’t.
For those that haven’t met or worked with me, I’m the guy who:
- thinks you should wash your cannabis over and over and over and then wash it AGAIN with fresh solvent
- wants you to have an easier time finding high quality merry-go-rounds
- helps you figure out how much power you’re going to need to recover all the solvent you strap to the merry-go-round
- wants you to have an easier time figuring out what your equipment options are and how to make your junk GO (props to @eyeworm for what is possibly the single most helpful/referenceable post I’ve ever seen on this forum - I may have started the thread but they provided a supersized palladium-plated
to y’all)
- wants you and your customers to make lots of money so you’re both happy
- got screwed over for millions of dollars and then won the arbitration on it but still hasn’t got any money from the asshole who fucked us over even though he could easily pay up
I have worked with and/or am presently working with @cyclopath, @MagisterChemist, @Photon_noir, and @tweedledew.
I think it’s possible that the above fine gentlemen may be willing to vouch for the fact that I’m not a scam artist, and that while I’m definitely a bit crazy and usually overly optimistic about things - that’s startup founders for you - that I might actually be able to put any money provided to us to good use.
I promise that there shall be no corporate boats or planes or ladies who charge by the hour until well after the company has paid all of its debts and dividends have been paid to the shareholders.
My philosophy: build the company first, boats and such come later. If you are willing to wait, you get much bigger boats.
PS: plz support @tweedledew if you can, he’s being fucked over right now too.
If you read all of that, you should probably swipe right.
My direct contact info is on our website, as is that of our CFO if you want to talk to him.
Feel free to hit me up here or wherever else with questions, hate mail, or cat pictures.