It seems like I’m not the only person that’s been done dirty by this company. I’ve now heard from two different members on here that they’ve had less than pleasant dealings with Dwayne Stewart at the BC Hop Co.
Which surprises me exactly not at all.
He did manage to bankrupt his construction company.
Then he got into hops and was failing at that.
Then got into hemp and well… We’re still fighting him for fucking us over for closer to eight figures than seven.
But as a direct result of us helping him and him fucking us, he’s doing well today, so good for him I guess?
Have you been fucked over or fucked around by Dwayne? I’d love to hear about it. I’m sure others would too.
When we finally get our money out of him - and covid is basically done - I’m gonna throw a massive pig roast to celebrate. Y’all are invited.
I’ve been told by my lawyers I can’t publicly tell my story at this point without possibly jeapordizing my arbitration. But if you want to hear the longer version of the story behind that HempToday article, pm me and I’ll give you the password to this page:
Law is quite the thing, isn’t it? I hate that I’ve spent enough time on this that I’m pretty close to paralegal level capability with contract drafting and such.
A mentor of mine once said that under no circumstances would he ever want to be on the other side of a courtroom from me, and would do everything in his power to ensure that he never was.
Maybe not recover all the funds or any but in my experience I’m sure this guy has plenty of assets that can at least make up for some of that debt if he files bankruptcy Lincoln will be in line to choose what he wants of value or can choose to let it go to auction and get some funds back.
Well, the jimmies are thoroughly rustled on the other side of the table.
BC Hop threatened us with the possibility of legal action over the content of our website post, so it’s been taken down until our lawyers can go over it with their expensive fine toothed combs.
In this article, Dwayne Stewart said “BC Hop Company has always worked with our business partners and vendors ethically, professionally and collaboratively and we will continue to do so.”
He put it in writing, so that must be true, right?
Did you know that many types of legal filings are public?
If one were to go to the BC Court Services Online page at CSO - Home and punch in either EnCann or BC Hops, you’d end up with a list of any open files for the company you put in. Punching in our file number of 214966 would show you what files match that filing number.
If you want to see what’s in any of those files, you have to pay $6 CAD. If you then want to see copies of the legal documents filed as part of that filing, you need to spend another $6 CAD.
But then you would get to see copies of the documents submitted as part of that process, in handy PDF format.
It’s entirely possible that someone who did that might find some evidence to support Dwayne’s statement. It is also possible that someone might find some evidence that does not support that statement.
One never knows, really. So much is uncertain in this life.