Gummy recipe and SOP inside

I made two batches with this sop and they turned out great, first batch I used grape, and even though they turned out good they tasted like soap. So grape is a no for me.
This last batch I used lemon Starburst jello and they are great.


Hard candy?

If so, how can I make it look like blue crystal meth?

Not a joke


It be very easy. I suggest using a thicker slab than what the pics show.

I’d want them to look closer to this.

If you were to do this, you’d have mysterious doses.


“Jesse. We need to cook.”

Finally. I’ll be able to say that now with a reason.

Someone I know wants me to expand into other infused goods other than gummies and cereal bars. Hard candy was my next option and cookies.

Appreciate it and I’ll try out binging with babishes one and this one

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Making suckers kinda sucks, but we bang them out frequently.
If you were to use a heated depositor, that would make things a whole lot easer. Iv said it before, suckers are the only product that we actually scale down the recipe. The batter hardesup at around sucker pour #25, so our recipe makes #24 suckers but are dosed for #26 suckers.

I was able to scale up our recipe when I was using @mgucci molds.
Pour and scrape FTW.
Unfortunately I dont see rock cubes being more popular than the gummies.
That’s a shame because, you can package rock candy almost immediately compared to gummies.


I arrange my gummies neatly for packaging. Lay on their backs turning each the other direction. I agree with that, the shapes of bears are appealing to everyone tbh lol even adults.

I prefer bears personally over cubes, adds more to it. I wanna make suckers tho, shouldnt be too hard imo. Just stick a stick in there when they start to harden enough to where the stick stays floating.
I just scrape as much as I can when I make gummies and yield 10-50 extra depending on a LOT.

Could you please spoon me which thread please???
I’ve been using the search bar, but, there is so much info…


:sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:

Yea, KOTK can you point me to that thread?

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I actually made my first batch of pectin vegan gummys the other day!

They came out fire :fire:

Is pectin really that hard to use?

I’ve found its easier then gelatin but idk other ppl hate it because it kicks quick

I’m use to pouring poly urethane molds so quick kick doesn’t bother me


Pectin definitely seems to taste the best from what I’ve tried, I love the jelly-ish texture too


Where can I buy some? The weed and all other things REALLY REALLY SUCKED here in Georgia!
Help! They are dirt medical use! My mom and dad both have Cancer!

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are you actually asking to buy black market gummies on here? :roll_eyes:


Id say your best chances are the states below in blue. :point_down:


You might want to check out: American Medical Refugees - Colorado | Facebook

Its an organization that helps people move from prohibition states to legal states. The map that @MillerliteRN posted is a good start. Pick a blue state and move. Don’t get yourself arrested for doing illegal things in Georgia - their prisons are beastly.

There are other organizations that are similar. You could even more to Florida or something. Its not that far away…


So I got some of these epic molds from Mgucci- I am beyond stoked, I demolded about 2300 gummies in under 30 minutes this morning- it used to take me 2.5-3 hours to demold 1200. Filling the molds used to take me about 8-10 minutes to fill between 125-150 2.25ml cavities and I would have significant material loss in the ketchup bottles at the end and inconsistencies in sizes. Now my same batches (also going to tweak to scale up for these molds next) fill perfectly 136 the 2.5 cube cavities in about 3-4 minutes. His prices were hands down the best I found as well- he gave me a great deal on 10 of them and they are an absolute game changer!

Nother notable mention- somewhere in one of these threads someone mentioned ethyl maltol for overriding bitter flavors- my 70-80 mg gummies no longer have any bitter after taste- magic :mage:


This made my day :heart:

The gummies look absolutely phenomenal.


This post was meant as a DM, woops.


Your molds are op men I’m not industrial bla bla bla I just want some good gummys you deliver I’m happy :relaxed: IMG-20210610-WA0045|690x453


Thanks for the awesome feedback.

Our new molds are even better quality👍


Just wanted to introduce myself and appreciate this platform you guys have going…
We have a brand in TX and looking for a local gummy manufacturer to build a long-term partnership.
DM or tag em :raised_hands: