Dialing in BHO purge for novice user?

I put about a 0.1 to a flame and it sparkled and spat like mad

if you’re using can butane you might have something else in there… but you can try spreading it out thin on that piece of parchment it’s on and set back into your vac and set to 46c and let extract come up to temp for 10-20 min before pulling vac, let sit for 30 min to 1 hour scrape wax back into pile and whip, repeat until satisfied with end result.


Is this your first time?

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Looks like you’re improving…presumably thanks to the advice proffered above. congrats.

However, just as creating a new user to ask your next question was not helpful (Wax/budder/sugar methods without vaccum oven), creating a new topic for the same issue (you’re new and haven’t figure out your purge) is also counterproductive.

Imagine the NEXT person looking for this information.

You’d prefer it in a nice concise package, so why deliberately spray it all over the place?

Key points 1) thin films purge better. 2) water will cause both sugaring and spitting in response to flame.

It’s much easier to end up with water in your product when open blasting….

You are not the only one on this journey, and all the questions you currently have, have almost certainly been explored before around here…if you want information on specific subjects, go find them and join the discussion by asking clarifying questions. Eg: Cured Badder Tek if that’s what you seek.

-28 doesn’t sound like you’ve got things sealed up right. Let’s see that vacuum pump.

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I was not aware of this I thought I could just make threads for advice

I did not open blast into any water I open blasted straight into a mason jar and let it evaporate Outside with air it hasn’t been near water at all really

I had it in the vac chamber at uk room temperature (no heat mat) for 3 days this is how it where blowing up I will attach a pic my heat mat arrived this morning and I put my vac chamber on top with the oil inside once the mat reached 40c I pumped pumped to -28hg there was hardly any bubbling it just puffed a tiny bit after 1 hour i had hard crumble

Yep. But if it’s not likely to be a NEW question, then this place works better if you search/read/search/read THEN ask.

Ideally listing the threads you read (helps the next dozen with the same question find their way).

AND (iMO) all the questions you have asked so far are fall under “I’m new at this and don’t know how to purge yet, can you help”.

They may seem like they are different subjects to you at the moment, but they are not.

We need context and details to help you.

Eg @Lightbulb would not have needed to ask

If there had been context…and now there is.

I also asked to see the pump you’re using…and told you why.

…but I’ll be explicit, your phrasing suggests you might be using one of these

Which is not the correct tool.

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The evaporative cooling effect of the butane can create condensation and potentially pull moisture into your extract.

Leaving the lid on loose and providing a safe source of heat can help prevent this.

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How I dial in my purge process

There is a link in there to an inexpensive tool that even the home user can use to figure out “are we there yet?”

Validated by the same folks I use for third party testing

Did you see ice/frost forming on the outside of the jar?

Dew point in London today is 8C which would certainly provide enough water IN THE AIR to potentially manage some in your BHO (remind us what temp your solvent of choice boils?).

…and while we are on the subject (solvent of choice), understand that the 99.99% n-butane you’re using is almost certainly not even 90%


My BHO turned into this And still sparks and spits when I put a flame to it is there any way I can purge this or is the butane stuck

I don’t have a full vac oven just a chamber and heat mat


Dude stop making new posts in new threads about your same issue you already made two threads about.

Did you make or buy the glass window in your stomach.



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How are you pulling vacuum (for the third time)?

Bro I explained everything on one of my posts I even posted a pic of the pump I’ve looked for threads on how to purge properly etc everything is about closed loops and vac ovens I don’t have a vac oven or closed loop but will be looking to invest in one once I have funds ready I just replied to this thread like I where told to do instead of creating a new one and people are still moaning at me

Yeh bro it’s just a handheld car brake pump I think somebody posted a pic of one of the last thread

That is your problem!!

Which is why I asked and why posted a picture of what I thought you were using…

You need to suck harder…that toy won’t get it done

Again. We need details, and dragging them out of you is fucking stupid

Can you link to where YOU posted a picture?!?


It’s reaching -28hg within 30 seconds of closing the chamber explain how a pump will make things better

What’s your problem anyway lad your constantly online you literally reply to my threads instantly
Go outside get some fresh air

And you want -30 constantly, if you want purged.

How long does it STAY there?

What’s my problem?


Our Robot-with-a-Bomb has water in the solvent tanks.


You know where it came from?

Extracting biomass (in the absence of London fog)

So you can tell me your shit ain’t seen water, but I know better, and have led many a horse to said dihydrogen monoxide.


Bro you’re not liking the answers. If you keep asking people, you will get the same answers. Your penis pump doesnt work for this application, your open blasting most likely got moisture in your wax. A harbor freight pump is like 90 bucks.

You say all this forum is about vacuum ovens and closed loops… in your giant run on sentence. Makes me think youre not actually reading anything.

You are wasting everyones time, including your own.

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@cyclopath is doing their noble duties as a respectable safety concierge. His methods and tactics of getting the points across may not always suit greenies, but he means very well in your endeavors for knowledge when others may not be able to take the time to reply.