In house Headspace residual solvents. SRI-GC FID

how do you know when the solvent is gone and the terpenes start evaporating?

You don’t. The “terpenes” are evaporating along with your solvent no mater how much you want that to be untrue. The extent of that evaporation certainly depends on your solvent of choice, and the conditions under which you’re evaporating.

OK, so how do you optimize your purge to hit state mandated residual solvent levels while retaining your desired volatiles?

By testing !!! preferably in-house so you don’t have to deal with the cost & lead time, or those pesky “fails” on your record.

In the past I’ve concluded that headspace for terpenes was qualitative at best without a dedicated headspace unit with heated vials and transfer lines. Which the SRI8610C I was using at the time didn’t have.

Now I’ve got an SRI 310MM which has both an MXT-500 and a Hayes-sep D/R packed column. Along with a couple of surplus headspace auto-injectors (salvage auction, sitting in the corner waiting for a new lease on life. Will link thread here when I get to that part).

Before taking on the auto-injectors, I’d like to get a handle on separation. And so far I’m not doing too well. Seems like my predominant terpene is running almost right on top of butane on either column with the temp profiles I used so far.

The MXT-500 seems to resolve the (other) volatiles (let’s call them terpenes) considerably better than the Hayes-sep. the Hayes-sep can resolve propane and butane, but doesn’t seem suited to generating a terpene profile.

Has anyone else gotten reliable residual solvent (specifically butane) testing running in house?


I’ll get chromatograms up when I get the chance…


Has anyone used solid phase micro-extraction instead of headspace?

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You reckon H2 would desorb propane & butane from 13x molsieves?

Diamonds turning into chalk post separation - #665 by Dred_pirate


The all knowing one offered

In response to “solid phase microextraction residual solvents”.

Haven’t read it yet (hate trying to read papers on my phone), but they seem to be extracting the headspace for later injection rather than injecting the headspace.

While I can absolutely see the advantages of that route, I’ve got two headspace auto-samplers in front of me, so a route around headspace injection isn’t top of my list.

More than happy to explore it here because not everyone who manages to land a GC in-house is gonna be able to add an auto-sampler with heated lines (which imo is critical for quantification via headspace).

Did you have anything specific in mind!


yes. typically you insert a polymer coated fiber into the headspace which adsorbs the chemical constituents, and then you use the fiber to desorb the constituents into your instrument.

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99.999% pure?


Certainly not JUST Butane….


The above should be ~10ppm. It’s not. but it does give me a ballpark to aim at :crossed_fingers:

Not the right heat source, but will work for initial method development.


If the solvent peak is higher that the “terpene” peaks, it’s not ready…:shushing_face:

Of course the area for those other volatiles is very much dependent on the temp the vial is sampled…and that coffee warmer isn’t doing me any favors.


Tangentially related


I think it’s kinda funny they want to sell a routed out piece of wood as a solvent tester. I think I’d need to test on my equipment to become a believer but it’s a neat concept and probably a reasonably valid first pass test


I offered to make a nice printed adapter or the drawings to have one machined. Dude’s the head of chemhistory in OR so I’d hope it’s well validated

No n-butane unfortunately

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Looks like it does…

The manufacturer only lists isobutane in the documentation, not sure if there’s a way to derive it somehow

It goes from like 40-6400ppm on the rest of the solvents though

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is that just a sniffer hose connected to a jar lid? trying to figure out what i need to recreate this device. Seems too good to be true if it works

It is just a sniffer, a vial, and a 2x4…

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well tickle me pink.

why have I never thought of this.

i’m guessing he seals the sniffer on the vial, heats the vial up to some temperature i’ve not figured out yet, and then viola?

Yep. Not sure what calibration looks like. Hitting up creator on instagram would be my response.

Need carefully measured amount on extract, and reliable temp…can’t see why it wouldn’t be repeatable.


i messaged him last night, hopefully he will solve these unsolved mysteries

please report back…

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I won’t leave you hanging like I did on the centrifuge repair fiasco. I know you especially lost a ton of sleep over it.

By testing !!! preferably in-house so you don’t have to deal with the cost & lead time, or those pesky “fails” on your record.
