Dialing in BHO purge for novice user?

I had it reaching -30 in my smaller chamber but read up on google -28 was the perfect pressure

This is the exact reason I am here to look for advise
I don’t make massive amounts of oil literally 5g batches each time so don’t want to be spending £1000s on a vac oven but will definitely be going for a rosin press soon

Cyclopath has forgotten more things than you will learn. Dont be a dick to him. Youre not listening to him, or answering his questions to help you. Sounds like you dont want help. You want someone to say youre doing it right. And it to magically have different results. Thats the definition of insanity.


Is it working?

Then why rail when it’s explained WHY it’s not working?


Yeh but I’m here asking for advise I made a thread and it got turned into something about stones inside a crock pot closed loops etc witch had nothing to do with what I where looking for also I’m being spoken back to like I’m some idiot I bet all you guys didn’t have a jar of glue when you first started off

From when I first started yes I’m getting x10 better results but I’m hitting obstacles along the way that’s why I’m here

You asked for a heat source. A temp controlled bead bath (on the cheap) is a valid answer. If you’re too high to understand that, it not my problem dearheart.

Why am I the asshole for asking “hey?, is this what you’re using for a pump? It won’t work.”

Had to ask three time to get an answer.

If you have posted a picture, I challenge you to find it and link it here.

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Is your PURGE working.

Yeah, already said “good job” on your progress.

Have fun. I’m out


We gave you answers. You didnt like them. Now you talk shit on all americans, and bring up school shootings? Classy bro. Your oil has moisture, youre using the wrong tools. Have a great day.


Dead horse + dihydrogen monoxide == wet blanket?

Guess that’s a useful thing to haz around if that open blast catches fire…

Came back to add (for the next one on this path) that in the early days we didn’t have vac ovens or vac chambers

So folks used this fact

Large mirror on a table in a dust free room (Hepa filter for hrs/days beforehand), then pour thinnest film possible.

Scrape up with razor blade when done…(days)

I’m guessing @Future may have seen this done, as I have @Pharmer_Joe down as sharing it once upon a time.

There are also folks claiming they can hit mandated levels with simply whipping….presumably that’s 1000ppm not 50ppm (requirement varies by jurisdiction)

no joke i watched someone blast onto a big ass mirror back in 2010, they thought they had figured out a way to make shatter faster.

i didnt even say anything because it was pure entertainment watching him do it.

after he tried a few attempts he just started giving me his material lol


the reflctivity gives it extra shatteriness bruh

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I remember people spraying butane on mirrors to check for mystery oil


It should be noted that elevation can significantly effect your lowest achievable vacuum reading.

IE I am at ~1200’ above sea level and can only get down to -14psi/-28.5inHg

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yes, I remember that as well. then SkyHighler started spraying into a tared baggie, which was much more scientific.


This whole thread has been a open blast from the past


Added a couple of ul of water to this…you can’t really see what’s going on, but you can absolutely hear the sputtering

Is the horse dead yet?

Or should the beatings continue until this shit is purged proper?


did you try pulling down a vacuum with a penis pump? It is the only option

Bud if you come back here i have a few things to say to you, theres something called diminishing returns. How much it costs to do something vs the product itll put out. Think about that for awhile. Theres alot of reasons why people dont open blast, its not worth the time. Jesus christ do not buy a rosin press if you cant google enough to open blast decent shit. Ive open blasted before, in fact I used to be you but not stuck in fucking europe wherever, that sucks for you if you like weed. Heres all the ghetto, backyard, redneck tips you want for open blasting. Get a dehydrator. Dehydrate the bud 100%, the reason other people are talking about water in your dabs is because of chemistry shit you havent looked into at all. Flower has water INSIDE it. When you blast you drag some of that out with the butane. If you dehydrate it itll get rid of the water inside the weed. The more water in your weed the less of a yield you will get. Tip number 2, load up that tube and seal it off air tight immediately after drying, throw it in the freezer or bury it in dry ice. Freeze for 12-24 hours for a ghetto pre-winterization. Winterization is another thing you have to google. It makes your extract cleaner. Tip number 3, use a bubble bag or a container of some sort to hold dry ice around the tube while blasting. This is a ghetto winter during the extraction. Tip number 4, find a good brand of butane. All the canned butanes have contaminates like oils and lubricants from the factory. Blast different brands of cans with the tube empty of material onto a plate and purge, observe for amount of residual. Heres the biggest and most valuble fuckin spoon anyone will give you for something as retarded as open blasting, i stopped because its dumb. If you cant get dabs without open blasting id probably leave whatever country youre in my guy.