What's the difference live resin and distillate?

Is there anyone can help me explain more clear what’s the difference live resin and distillate?

Live resin is fresh frozen extraction with minimal heat degradation and typical high terpene concentration. Also maintains different terpenes that are usually lost in curing . That’s the difference between live ran and cured material since they are comparable now distillation is a process of evaporating and recondensing anything in this case I’m assuming ur referring to thc distillate in which the fraction your likely referring to is high 80 to high 90% thc due to this process minimal terpenes minimal other cannabanoids due to targeting a specific temperature and switching to you main fraction at that point to capture target end product. Also Google? Search bar? :spoon: hope that adequately describes that for you


Live Resin = THCA + minor cannabinoids + terpenes
Distillate = THC with no terpenes, maybe minors


help you explain?

to whom?

distillate is that which has been distilled.

source biomass might have been stored in the barn for two years first. it might have been harvested and bailed wet…and left for months. biomass is extracted, possibly warm, solvent choice is irrelevant, and goes through a number of other steps before being distilled under high vac at about 200C. amoung those steps is deliberately stripping the terpenes and other volatiles that give extracts their flavor.

“Live resin” is an extract made from biomass that was flash frozen at harvest.

It can be accomplished with a number of different solvents, but light hydrocarbons are generally agreed as the best approach. it is extracted cold (-40 to -60C), and treated gently to preserve the terpenes.

Night and Day.

see eg: First distillation underway! and Running Fresh Frozen

edit: and if you’ve been custie’d, you might be looking at distillate with HTE added back from a fresh frozen run and being called live resin. Making Live Resin Cartridges

maybe @beaker can explain distillate best: Time lapse start to finish Sublimator run although it’s been a long time since I’ve seen hot-dog water looking that good :shushing_face:


Could always try a dab of both and do your own bioassay

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