Very clear bho shatter (Definitely scammed) !Warning to all hash lovers and makers!

So I did it. I literally made a celite cake with etoh. Open blasted (1 Oz trim) into a beaker in ice. Dumped butane into Buchner funnel. Dumped activated carbon on top of the celite. Then re ran the solution through the Buchner again. Once finished mixed activated carbon into the solution and ran once more through the Buchner. Clear shatter was the outcome. No need for a million dollars. Just take it and run with this info and make it a better tech. Peace and love


Also please let me know if you improve in any way!!

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So you used ethanol as your antisolvent?

How fresh was your trim? What was your yield?

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I remember when i first got my tamisium the instruction videos use to say you can add a co-solvent like alcohol to the collection. I don’t see why you couldn’t do it to this to make the butane less volatile for filtering like this. While this isn’t ideal. I’ve heard more than 10 people in the past say they filtered butane extraction threw a Büchner.


I only used etoh to flatten the cake. I would have used r.o. water but didn’t want to wait for it to dry.

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Yeild was low. But I assume I can use less carbon. It was all a test for proof of concept. The trim is probably 3 months old. Out door



About how much celite to material do you think? I’m going to pack a few filter stacks with the one micron underneath the last one. I will post my results as soon as I get the celite

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Did about a third inch cake


Got pictures or it didn’t happen. Lol. Just joking :upside_down_face:


I’ve done it, I’ve explained how to do it a few times on here. Rather than using a pump to pull the tane, you use a seperate vessel that has a full vac on it. Kinda like the opposite of an air compressor


I know that trick. I keep an empty solvent tank under vacuum all the time for them times I gotta pull solvent threw my columns on a vapor lock


Pics yet?


@Beaker talks about why he prewets his alumina filter media with water here

He is going to distill and does an lle afterwards, too doesn’t he?

Water doesn’t do well with hydrocarbons.


But I’m sure we have all had moisture in our tanks.

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Meaning it doesn’t seperate and effects the extract.

And plenty of times


How do I post pics?

I would think minimal amount of wetness is needed in the filter media. Also why not load your collection up with desiccant? Perhaps the “dewatering” stage will take some time or agitation of some sort. Use a straw to siphon the liquid tane/oil off and filter it once more for a final polishing (dust from dessicant?) and then recover . Or just put a fine filter on the drain of your collection vessel and push into your final collection vessel

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