Business to business to public relations can be a complicated matter and it’s difficult to know exactly how professional to be without being considered to lack integrity or to be seen as unprofessional.
I made an IG post and contacted every member of the gang. Should I do more?
I personally think more people are coming into the forums without the sole express intent to share ideas and processes. Could be me just being a pessimist…either way, I my point is that people used TT so much they wanted them in the gang. People love their discounts. Trouble is, you shouldn’t be relying on a forum to make conclusions. If someone makes an allegation or a valid point, I go and do my due diligence myself. The fact that people blame the man for not reading the future (HAH pun) is insane to me.
True Terpenes is the biggest company in their sector. It’s hard for people to take the word of a stranger, especially a person who created such a hostile environment in the thread that it derailed any chance at positive communication, right off the bat on such a massive claim. I followed the entire thread with eagerness but massive skepticism because it just didn’t seem “possible”. And the more buddy talked, despite the evidence he was showing, the less trustworthy he seemed as a source.
From the outside looking in, I don’t know what more people want at this point…if you’re so mad, take legal action. But an adequate conclusion has been reached. What more??
I must’ve missed the IG post, my fault. Honestly I barely hop on there.
@Future This is a long post but everybody should read. Ive been watching this incident since it started and please hear my input. I want to state first a bit about myself. Im in my early 30s with a degree in process technology. Im from nola and traveled to california 4 years ago to pursue a dream to own an extraction company/dispensary when it gets legal in new orleans. I’ve sacrificed everything to be out here and worked for the shitest pple know to man but my passion for the plant never stopped. I could have easily went back and called it quits but i finally got a job running a kdl mini on a 6 frame and they are giving me opportunity to excel in there legal lab ot the next level. They have great things happeing and a bright future. Im surrounded by people with integrity and pride. Just the most honest good pple you could think of. So im not lab owner or engineer. THe mid level teir of the industry. To get to this point with other than with my degree. I had to do ENDLESS hours of research on running CLS and do enormous trial and error. My research consist of Graywolf, summit research, icmag, etc. Graywolf was on another level and looked at him as the pioneer and forefront of the business. He was professional and you can tell his passion for this and to share his knowledge was why i i viewed him as this figure but also it was bit hard to understand if you didn’t understand chemistry.
One day i stumbled across this website and thought of it as the first fourm for extractors from extractors. This website is incredible. People on this website is prideful of there work. They wont tolerate bullshit posters and snake oil lies. They get called out immedatly and ideas are bouncing around that is developing this industry to another level. Protection is made by verification of vendors and credible consultants are recommended. Every extractor i ever met knows this site. Its like The PB to J of extraction. You created something that i think you may or may not realize but you are now main face/leader of this part of the industry/community. This is why people look up to you and trust your opinion bc we know your intentions are for the greater of the industry and not capital gain (i hope).
What happened is unfortunate and could happen to any of us. You stuck up for a friend and they deceive you. You discredited to say the least a fellow member who was trying to share information. You chose friendship over science. This is the end result. Even worst if EN was a lab owner or more info was brought out about who he really is than this could of been a devastating blow to his career and livelihood.
This issue i view as an internal affair and eventually it can be fixed BUT what can not is what is happening outside of this. True terpenes is representing our industry to FDA. You said i personaly dont believe they did this intentionally. BUT that is an opinion and not factual bc you don’t have access to emails, phone calls, give polygraph test. We still don’t know the unknown substance and if it effects health in a negative way or if an investigation happens to there company bc of malpractice happened than guess what WE all lose. We all be viewed as incompetent potheads who might be smart but dont know how to run an industry. Next is easy to see. They will hand the keys to the corporate world. The ones who has knocked this plant to the ground and profit off of hurting everybody to further capital gain for themselves. THe gov will give the keys to them that so many pple have sacrificed to make. The market will be run by a bunch of people who don’t know shit about the process. Example: AI intelligence committee is run by politicians who dont know anything about it. Elon musk brought this up in JR podcast and if you listened to it than you know elon should be running it.
I have a solution. If scientific data is brought up we can no longer be kids about it. we need to be professional. We need to research and make no assusmptions bc eventually the the results will come in and the truth will be known. Shit talking of course but not at that level that was seen. Than we test again. 2nd you need to talk to TT and tell them to step down and recommend a representative bc they are having issues and feel they are not the best to represent us atm. This is a start of a redemption from them and also you for other than apologizing. Two things will happen if he agrees we need a representive we can trust IMMEDATLY and temporary. I propose GW if he is willing to do it or if somebody has another recommendation if GW can not or if they have a person that is unbiased and well liked in the community for the same reasons we all like GW. One that does not have a hole in there business for them to exploit. If TT refuses than everybody in GLG needs to make up a gameplan to get in touch with the FDA. if every leading company in this industry is on the same page they will listen. So here comes my final piece of the puzzle. We need a committee made up of at least 10 members and from the GLG to represent us as a community. This needs to be voted among the GLG as a whole. If your in the gang you get to vote or if you have a background in engineering or lab owner who never signed up and have proven your leader in this industry than they should have a shot OR at least a vote. The 10 has to be the most honest company owners or pioneers in the industry, the owners/pioneers who love what we do, the most reputable ones with no bad intentions of deceiving us with there products for capital gain, The ones that are level headed and stay professional as possible, People who can keep continuing this path we have and want only for the greater good of helping people that need this medicine. The committee has to have a person from every part of the industry. We need an adverse one bc this commite will leaders that will help us move foward that deal with issuses on how to take it federal and deal with internal issues. @Future you need to oversee/lead this and research everything about the companies that are choosen. You have to be unbiased and realiize this is for our future and if you make the committee and a scandal happens bc of capital gain or deceiving the public or us than you will be just a part of the machine which you have fought against for years. Rich in pockets but a pour. Please formm a commite so we can all keep thriving and when things like this happen you have a go to counsel where its talked and voted. We want to know the outcome of things like this and why the final verdict was given. We have an opportunity that will never happen again and we can lose it so easily and this incident can turn out like this. WE all can agree we want a tradition that can last for our future generations. The spotlight is on yall and when the california unlimited grow licences comes in the next year or two . It will be a pinnacle moment. Corporate will be coming hard af to take over the market and shut us down quickly with there multimillion dollar investments to provide cheaper and equally quailty product. If we stick together and show we know how to handle this industry and there is no other group better for providing the best medicine to consumers and continue to make it better. We will have a shot to continue being a gang and not taken over by the machine. If somebody has another solution please make it known.
My final note. You need to make this right with EN. This was horribly handled and we can learn how to do better. If yall never met face to face than yall should. Apologize to him like real men do and possibly set up future business relationships. He may have been childish but you was too. Thats the great thing about being humans we can become better. We all make mistakes but we can make them right also
Three quotes : With great power comes great responsibility. -spidey (cheesy i know but relevant)
“Shit happens and there is nothing we can do about it but what matters is how we react to it” -me
“Everybody has a problem but not everybody has a solution. Find the solution” -old mentor
Thanks for reading if you made it this far everybody. sorry for the grammerical and spelling errors. i sucked at english but luckly i was excellent in math and science Have a great day!
Well said and it’s a good idea. We can make a difference if we pull together and for the right reasons. Sometimes we start a snow ball and it only goes a few feet and sometimes we create an avalanche. The 4200 movement is definitely the latter of the two. Instead of letting it take its course on its own the best thing would be to get a snow board and ride it.
This is where we are organizing a FDA reaponse
I’m not sure what you mean by asking TT to step down. I was under the impression that this last FDA forum was open to the public?
As far as meeting EN in person, I openly invite anyone to come to my farm in South Bend, always have. I’ll show you what permaculture at scale looks like and smoke us some steak. My schedule is pretty tight with work and a newborn child and heavy equipment coming in a few weeks for more broadscale permaculture earthworks, but I’ll do my best to squeeze you in. THe FDA is gathering information to make a statement. They are getting overwhelmed by factual data so they are getting every aspect of this. Look at the panel its medical professionals to vendors. THis means we are providing FDA with business that could poetional be having lawsuit actions against them if medical issues arise especially after the labeling had to be altered. THey need to back away from all of this and if a call comes for more in depth anaylis the rings has to be passed over for now. This would be false advertising but terminology could give them a break. Mj is now being accepted as medicine but not official. There formula was has been alternated and that has been already stated by GW labs. THey need to back away from all of this and if a call comes for more in depth analysis the rings has to be passed over for now. Just imagine In the official world of medical practice. THey have a medical board proposed of the best doctors. THey write the guidelines for better business practices. They are the go to team for the government on advising subjects. If we want to be accepted as real contenders as advisors we need to start modeling similar guidelines. As of today we would be the laughing stock in medical world bc of the way we handled this. You think Drs are having piss matches between each other. NO they let the data do the talking. We need official guidelines of better business practices we are no longer in dark age. Show we can govern ourselves and we are implementing things to help this industry so we are structured. I apologize @sidco for not giving you credit also. Than yall created this revolutionary forum than yall both should spearhead this operation. If yall cant do this please come up with a gameplan for the future. WE need a go to board for the continue issues facing information about this side of the industry. Think of it a medical board mixed with the BBB. @Future have you ever offered to pay for his expenses to meet you if you could not meet him. He could possibly be a young kid in his early 20s that is all about science and never made it to the level of success you have. I’m sure he will take you up on an offer and if not than its understandable but please at all means try to make this right and i figure yall meeting in person would be the best start. Thank you
Take this to the thread that future posted…You have hit alot of points that i sent to @Dirteagle
On the same pg. It was Lil mild. But it was done.
Wow just finally got to the end, took me hours what a Roller Coaster,
Just wanted to say, that we all make mistakes but not everyone is willing to admit there mistakes and do something about them, @Future as far as i can tell is sincere has admitted his mistakes, personally I appreciated that fact. Pilling on for a mistake he has made admitted to and done things to remedy is not helpful.
I know my account is new I came here from a link from Reddit when looking for information on TPA diluent and got side tracked and went down this rabbit hole so take that for what it’s worth.
Graywolf update. Not good for TT. Its time for TT to speak up and stop trying to out me. Its time for @TrueTerpenes to answer GWs questions and my point about them not issusing a recall.
I think this shows that TT should never be allowed back in the Good life gang no matter what. They dont care about their customers and just lie on them (me) and to them non stop.
when i have time I will write up my plans for following G.O. Joes directions for testing without fancy equpment. I really look forward ot what @Demontrich is going to get back form the lab @MagisterChemist recommended to him.
As time and pages have gone by, a quick recap and then an update:
My lab’s analysis showed TT Viscosity not to be a terpene, including the triterpeneoid Sqalane. It was also not Triethyl citrate, which is not a terpene, but an ester of citric acid.
TT Viscosity GC profile didn’t match the profiles of the two most common mineral oils used in food and perfumery, though there are others which we didn’t have samples of to compare.
That scan is posted below, with the mineral oil peak on the left and Viscosity on the right:
Our lab noted, that its GC profile was consistent with a mixture of heavy hydrocarbons , but declined to take a formal stand without more tests to determine the non-volatiles, and suggested an HPLC/MC.
The HPLC/MS reverse engineering bid was $31K, so I contacted a doctor of molecular biology and asked him for his assistance in simply identifying whether the mixture was plant or petroleum based. He asked for:
“A couple more mass spectra at different locations on both the broad peaks would make it easier to know more. A NIST library search on those different parts of peaks would also be helpful if possible.”
Soooo we did and the other dirty peectures are the two peak and the NIST scans. After reviewing those extra scans and NIST library search, our doctor of molecular biologists had the following to say about the probable identity of True Terpenes Viscosity sample that we tested for him:
“To me this looks like heavy hydrocarbon preparation.”
That is contrary to the label, which says, “Viscosity Extract Liquifier is a natural and organic blend of odorless and flavorless terpenes. It does not contain PG, VG, PEG, MCT, Coconut oil, or any other non-terpene ingredient.”
As it is human nature to fill in blank information spots with our best uneducated guesses, may I request that True Terpene’s designated representative please answer the following questions to forestall that guessing??
1.0 What have you done to investigate this disparity?
2.0 What did you find as the cause?
3.0 What have you done to correct the problem?
4.0 Have you issued a recall?
5.0 Have you offered to accept returns and issue refunds?Kudos and accolades to EN the tenacious whistle blower, and to the selfless analytical lab providing their services pro bono, as well as our doctorial professional doing the same (ya’ll know who you are).
The lab refuses to test this garbage.
I’m working on 2 other petrol type labs to have this sample tested.
try contacting Pace ANalytical.
So @TrueTerpenes contact me by private massage to ask how they were rude to me. Instead of asnwering that (because they should already know) I asked them to asnwer GWs questions. @Future wrote on ICmag he forwarded the questiosns to TT.
So they noow have no excuse for not anwering except to cover their ass from class action lawsuites. If @TrueTerpenes does not answer these quetsions they should be banned for life from this site and I htink even their public account should be banned or at lesat there should be a big warning about them and jhow they lie and decieve.
Here is what I sent them a few minutes ago:
I would prefer you answer graywolfs questions about viscosity from his post here: True Terpenes, New thread - #102 by ExtractNinja
As it is human nature to fill in blank information spots with our best uneducated guesses, may I request that True Terpene’s designated representative please answer the following questions to forestall that guessing??
1.0 What have you done to investigate this disparity?
2.0 What did you find as the cause?
3.0 What have you done to correct the problem?
4.0 Have you issued a recall?
5.0 Have you offered to accept returns and issue refunds?
thanks f or update
They have already been taken out of the GLG. You cant just ban a member due to their BS they pulled. Why not keep their account active, in case apologies come from them or the like.
i really think you can ban a member for this. I think this company should be BLACKLISTED at all cannabis events. There is no space for this type of nefarious behavior in our industry. Personally, If your company has sold TT after all this came out. Im not shopping with your company either. I know there are a ton of people in this industry for the wrong reasons. This seems like the biggest “greed”.