Tricks of the trade

Just need a luer to luer adapter! Super common! Stainless Steel Luer Accessories - Cart Farm


came across this monstrosity :smiley: Best way to fill 1000+ 1 ml luer lock Syringes with raw distillate - #4 by Soxhlet


I sell Stainless Steel luer couplings cheaper


We made that adapter out of necessity, we switched to the ss one shortly after.


very cool, thanks for this tip! Will save a lot of time compared to running TLC (I use 20% diethyl ether 80% hexane then stain with anisaldehyde or Fast Blue)

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9 posts were split to a new topic: Yield in 3” vs 6” columns?

This can cause gasket slip, we are investigating operating conditions for gaskets currently.In our tests the gaskets seem to fail at lower pressures.


agree 1000000% I had to push this safety concern for almost a year before someone agreed that you shouldn’t be extracting (especially) commercially, alone. I was in this sitch for a hot minute and it was giving me so much anxiety thinking about the what ifs and could be’s. Having someone that can pick up and know where you left off takes away a lot of the worry of accidents. You can only run as fast as the slowest person.


Did you ever race with eric filley or ken pliska?

How old are they now? I was born in 82

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For people mixing distillate with terps for carts.

Place your vape mix into a sealed vessel (Mason Jar) so that you don’t lose terps when heating and you can place said vessel in a hot water bath in order to get a more even heating of your entire formulation.

While mixing make sure to scrape the walls and base of your vessel because distillate will stay stuck there. If you’re having issues telling if you’re done mixing get a flashlight and place it at the back of your mixing vessel. This will allow you to see any “swirls” where the terps and distillate are not completely homogenized.

Edit: This was assuming you already mixed initially and the solution was cooling down.



Microwaves exist for a reason

You’re saying microwaving your solution won’t cause the terps to evaporate?

You dont microwave the terps woe. You microwave the distillate slightly past your mix temp, dump the terps, and homogenize.


Oh, I just heat the disty in a hot water bath, add terps and then mix. I feel like that much more controllable and even heating. Using a temperature probe in your water of course.


Seems like wrapping your sealed jar in temp controlled wrapping would be the best way to go.
Combine that with a hotplate and you would have pretty consistent heating.

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Yeah that could work I would just be worried about the bottom getting a lot hotter than the sides. OR just heating up faster than the sides.

This is exactly how we do ours. Water bath works best for sure IMO. Backfilling with inert gas helps a lot keeping the terps smell “fresh”


You use that flashlight tek? Back filling with N2?

Use a 18g hollow needle my love :kissing_heart: