Seems like wrapping your sealed jar in temp controlled wrapping would be the best way to go.
Combine that with a hotplate and you would have pretty consistent heating.
Yeah that could work I would just be worried about the bottom getting a lot hotter than the sides. OR just heating up faster than the sides.
This is exactly how we do ours. Water bath works best for sure IMO. Backfilling with inert gas helps a lot keeping the terps smell “fresh”
You use that flashlight tek? Back filling with N2?
Use a 18g hollow needle my love
That may damage the rubber gasket on the plunger.
I now double up the fishing string. Works 90% every time.
Nothing seaps out i promise, the plunger seals itself. Done it a million times. Its super fast and you can get out all of the bubbles if you aim for them.
This is my million dollar seceret hahahaha.
Did you ever find anything about this? Cobbling things together piecemeal isn’t going so well for an overall picture yet. Each new piece triggers a little more understanding but it would sure be nice to have it available in a “TLC for Dummys” kind of format. I guess it’s time to do a really deep dive in the search engine. I’d like to find more tips like @CdpIchem posted right above yours and maybe compile them in a document for others.
I had an idea of what I had planned to buy, but I kinda shelved it a while ago when I was busy with other things
I was gonna use hexane to extract the sample, and chloroform as the eluent. Fast blue BB or B as the developer, I read that it’s best to combine it with NaOH but forget the concentrations, I think it’s .5-1% for the B, but I’ve seen as low as .1%. As far as plates go, I never really got a good answer on that. That RIU post I linked in In House analytics and the other stuff I cited is as deep as I got
I guess a guy could hope. My brain’s getting too old for heavy lifting but I suppose it’s back into the fray I go.
Dewaxing sleeve= a leg from a pair of fat mans pants with a ziptie at the ankle/bottom of spool, stuffed with dry ice. Final filtration= most collection pots have a stub going in, I use .5 micron felt and a hose clamp on the stub.
Been searching through the forum a good bit now trying to see if you already answered this…if so, my bad. In between heating in the microwave at 15-30 sec bursts, are you using a tool or anything to stir, or just checking the temp? If you’re not stirring in between, how long is needed in between bursts? Workload will be a half liter at a time.
Heres my $230k tip, Never hand over your personal SOPs to anybody in the industry who’s promising to pay you more only after receiving it
that’s a fact I luckily do not depend on consultations or trade but man o man the promises are wild
as they say, never ship just one to China
I dont get this…so what’s so slow about taking the tip off …removing the plunger, add tip back… filling. then add plunger back push in hard. then the bubble moves up to top bc still hot ,crack.tje lid and push the air out…then tighten the lid. is it a speed method u have or something.
I’m not understanding the fishing line
I fill with leur cap on, plunger out. When you try and push the plunger in, your compressing the air gap. You cant compress air in this fashion. Even if you remove the leur cap, and insert the plunger, your just gonna force the distillate out of the leur tip.
I can bang out about 50 in 45 mins or less this way. And I weigh each filled dart. 1.01g on the nose.