Yield in 3” vs 6” columns?

Yo yo…looking for some tips. I went from 3" to 6" columns. I’ve noticed my efficiency has gone down. I think the solvent coverage is simply better on a 3" than a 6". I inject a little more slowly and soak a little bit, as opposed to just running through 3" column.

Has anyone noticed an efficiency drop when going to a 6" material column, and did you find anything useful in combating your yield loss like soak time, packing or loading style etc?

Thank you @cyclopath for making me my very own topic. I didn’t think there would be much discussion.


Do you have a spray head on top of the column?

Don’t have personal experience, just a thought.

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Yup, shower caps on each. Same packing tool packed with the same arm with the same ass behind it.


Put a frit at the top to act as a weir and distribute the liquid better if the spray head doesn’t work well enough


A wee weir if their spray ball nay work well?


I have used a filter paper and ring on top of my material so the spray ball isnt the only method of distribution. Didnt seem to do too much for me unfortunately.

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I like to use 100 mesh screen gaskets as an extra way to disperse to solvent just to be on the safe side.


How about rate of injection? I’m throttling my injection, its probably at 60psi with n2, as the solvent goes through an injection coil to get nice and cold. I watch the solvent scale, and have a sort or range for the rate that I inject. Would a higher rate of injection be better as well? Get a better flood essentially.

Possibly, as long as it doesnt effect your solvent temp too much. My tank is jacketed and hooked to a chiller so its already -40 or so, i dont usually use an injection coil. I would think a lil faster would help it shower better, maybe put a sight glass on top for a few runs and to gauge shower effect at different injection rates.

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How much material you running and what is ratio of solvent? I have no rack so i went from 3 x 36 to 6" x 12" to run shorter system. Upped solvent ratio to at least 7/1 to account for extra space


I push through at 30psi but i barely even open valve to start. Let soak few minutes then open valve to collection and open solvent tank valve however i see fit for each run

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I like to run 6 to 8 lbs of solvent per lb. I get 5lbs in the 6x24 column, and I get about 2.5lbs in the 3x48 columns. I could get 3 lbs in the 3x48 if I tried harder…

I was thinking I could double up on the injection coil and inject faster, while getting the solvent just a cold by doubling the length of coil used. I currently use a 50 ft on injection.

I use material bags in my system and different material gets different pack depending on if its trim or nug. But i run about 16# of solvent through in 15-20 minutes and yields are similar to 3" column based off return % of same strain. Colder solvent will pull less yield but quality should be better.

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I’ve noticed the efficiency drop also, but do not know what the remedy is, if any.

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Channeling??? How big of a loss are you talking about?

If there’s no soak going on and the solvent is going straight through, perhaps some materials aren’t getting wet?

That’s weird you lose some efficiency going up on size.


1-2% loss between 3 and 6” columns


It’s a small loss 2 to 3% in my experience. But I was hoping for less loss honestly.


My man. Our conversation from today, I have brought to the forum lol


Lol. Its a worth while discussion.


Are you injecting and flooding from the top down only?