Tricks of the trade

Yes. @srihugh1 added a purge valve on the on column injector.

See: Edibles analysis using new SRI GC configuration

I gotcha! Yeah, I went ahead and outfitted mine with that option from the get-go.

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Then you probably don’t have the heated injector port at all. This unit was retrofitted.

Lil ticks of trade in the eddibles section


wrong thread i replyied


Thank you!

Meant to do that myself, or ask @Listen_Up_Sonny to…


Finally got a good one…

Easy and dust free way of emptying your CRC is just taking an appropriately sized wastebin liner, and securing it over the lip of the top of your CRC column with a bungie. After that, take your CRC column off the rack, invert it until your media falls out.

Double bag it if you’ve got a large load.

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Got a hot one.

While making rosin…use a press.

Pro level tip:

Press extracts into a jar.

Mad scientist level tip:

Put lid on jar

But here’s a good one. When curing rosin wine fridges work pretty fucking good. You generally have an above-freezing yet below too hot temperature consistently maintained. What temps work best? Fuck if I know, I don’t know what shit you’re pressing, poindexter. Every strain acts different. Wine fridges normally have pretty accurate temperatures within so they’re a good starting point.


A clean toilet brush is perfect down a 3" column to knock loose any debris. Saves on alcohol rinsing.


A dirty one fits too but is less recommended


I take it outside and dump so the wind takes i away.

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I had a brush to clean columns and accidentally used it on the toilet= new toilet brush.



I dump it along the grass low to the ground too to avoid that. its just a dump while i hold my breath. I currently resemble DUDE. Im not nearly as lackadaisical to wear a robe and shit but my hair looks similar.

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I was just thinking the same thing, when it heats up I cut mine.

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i need a job and this hair isnt up to standards unless its a cannabis job. I am shying away from those because it will feel bad to be a wook instead of the boss. I think other industries are more profitable= like cars.

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I’m an annual hair cut guy too


Wind chime tech?


i need wind chimes and gnomes- i only have a few more months in this house.