THC-A Flower and Isolate

This distinction would require ‘similarly reliable methods’ that could tell THCa from d9, under my current interpretation of the code. I am not sure that exists in this state.

So is that to say because THCA decarbs into d9 that this is the only reliable method to detect it?

As where d8 does not decarb into d9 so HPLC is acceptable?

I may just be a moron, but that’s why I’m here. To learn.

They’d run it on hplc and quantify thca then calculate that to thc on paper, that is the “equivalent post decarb method” analytical cannabis labs have been using for years. It is not ambiguous to anyone in the industry, all labs I’ve ever seen calculate total thc this way if using hplc.

Also d8THC/thco/thcv/thcp/hhc cannot decarb because they are all neutral already, as in have no carboxyl/OH (acid) group. And if anyone is so unknowledgable about cannabinoids that they cannot understand these basics, best not have a business centered around it.

Edit to add - this forum ain’t bleeding edge of anything except making multicolored colored drugs IMO.


But none of those decarb to the federally regulated THC

Not if tested appropriately (total THC)

Has your due diligence included the penalties for slinging weed in South Carolina?

Sale or Trafficking

Less than 10 lbs Felony 5 years $ 5,000
10 - 100 lbs (first offense) Felony 1* - 10 years $ 10,000
10 - 100 lbs (second offense) Felony 5* - 20 years $ 25,000
10 - 100 lbs (third offense) Felony 25 years* $ 25,000
100 - 2000 lbs Felony 25 years* $ 25,000
2,000 - 10,000 lbs Felony 25 years* $ 50,000
More than 10,000 lbs Felony 25 years* $ 200,000
To a minor, or within a 1/2 mile of a school, playground, or public park Felony 10 years $ 10,000

  • Mandatory minimum sentence

It’s not like this is the first time “THCA flower” has been explored here.

Unlikely to be the last.

I don’t see any solid ground to stand on in the regs, but I gotta agree with the Dude.



Hey thanks for that thread plenty of covered ground there; I didn’t see that when I searched (and I still don’t find it in search). It is however just going around the same circle.

I am running a business, and my competitors are using a ‘cheat code’. I can either join them, or i guess try to stop them. What would Pepsi do if Coke put the Coca in Coke back to pre-1903 levels?

At what point do open sales become an admission of legality? National and local businesses are eating my lunch in my market! Should I REPORT them, rather than see if I can figure out how they are getting away with it?

With great risk comes great reward… looks like you’ve already kinda crossed that line anyway considering you have Delta 9 on the menu listed on your site.

I don’t think that would endear you to your own community or this one

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That was said tongue-in-cheek, obviously bringing down heat is bad for the whole neighborhood.


Lol 90% of the people who work in this industry don’t know this. Do you think Berner studies chemistry? Calm down, guy. Your skill is what separates you. You don’t want everyone in the industry being chemists. Nothing would get done if we only had chemists.

On the other hand, I do appreciate you explaining.


Why don’t you guys just make meth from hemp derived terps? stop copying, start innovating


And the legal argument would be, the Farm Bill SPECIFICALLY includes ACIDS which THC-A is, and that is the argument under which all the isomers and alt cannabinoids have been effectively legalized, so, now you need to do testing that makes the distinction between THCA and D9, and obviously the law enforcement laboratories are not up to the challenge, so they are not touching this particular tar baby. .

The whole basis of the farm bill revolution includes THCA RIGHT THERE IN THE WORDING, as a derivative and an acid (emphasis mine):
(1) Hemp.–The term `hemp’ means the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of that plant, including the seeds thereof and all derivatives, extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, acids, salts, and salts of isomers, whether growing or not, with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.

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Right. Anyone arguing this wording isn’t ambiguous is I think biased. I’m not saying the intent of the law was to do this, but at what point do we get our freedoms back rather than giving them credit for a poorly worded bill riddled with contradictions? That’s not on us, that’s on the politicians. I’m not giving them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to my freedoms - the government surely did not do us that favor as a community prior to 2018.

Again, I do not sell THCA and an not advocating others to it. Too much risk for me personally with my small business. But I’m not going to hate on others doing it. I’m going to hope they are massively successful in furthering the cannabis revolution.


Because you’d never get liability insurance. Until insurance companies stop providing coverage for d8 etc don’t act like that’s the same ballgame. Insurance companies understand they won’t face lawsuits from d8 deaths (or if they’re are any it’s one in a billion.) Hemp derived meth would surely lead to lawsuits, either from production accidents or overdoses etc.

The market regulates this also based on cost. Surely it is cheaper to just make meth traditionally as the infrastructure the cartels use is already in place. Hemp derived meth would be useless. Not many people want meth in the first place, and for good reason. Who would you even sell it to? A business model for it does not and could not exist for retail at this point.

This is not even factoring in the morality of it and most people just wouldn’t want to sell meth.

Lol, there’s a member here being sued because a teenager bought a d8 drink. 2-3 deaths associated with d8 now too

I haven’t heard of anyone with product liability insurance for grey market stuff

Only if you don’t believe in the power of disinformation and marketing something as a legal high


Do you not think the cannabis industry has evolved past being a legal high? This is a revolution against pharma for more of my customers than not they are trying to get off pills and improve wellness.

I knew about the one member being sued here, touche I guess but you still see my point. It’s not nearly as rampant as meth would be. Hundreds of millions of people have used delta 8, probably a higher adoption rate over the curve of time then d9 due to it’s availability, and for that one lawsuit is an anomaly.

For me, this comes off as woefully short-sighted.

Fortunately, not all of us subscribe to this “that’s-not-on-us” thinking, and many of us believe the opposite to be true.

Riddle me this @WakeNBakery: If this is all “on the politicians,” will you also later blame them for cannabis industry regulations that you disagree with?

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Yes. The government needs to get the fuck out of things they don’t understand. I don’t believe in regulation of harmless plants.

I think it’s more short sided to let big pharma take over our livelihood via future government action. I’d rather the revolution get ahead of that and keep THC in the hands of the people.

Do you not blame the politicians for making it illegal in the first place? How far we’ve fallen that some of you have this attitude. This industry used to be Mavericks.

Yes the wording in the farm bill is not clear for sure. They definitely should have made it clear the acid form of thc is considered legally the same as thc. Although the post decarb testing requirements are pretty clear that thca=thc. And anyone with a cursory knowledge of cannabis knows the plant only makes thca, and that thca decarbs to thc. So if marijuana is illegal but not hemp, it’s because of the thca it makes.

But sounds like yall are willfully ignoring logic to make money, that’s cool with me just understand it is still weed which is federally illegal and has put many trappers in jail… You are not special just because you run a “legit” hemp business… Yall are trapping.

Honestly I do encourage you to sell weed, and your a damn pussy for not slanging gonja while the sun shines. Fuck you bunch of pussies for hiding behind hemp… Sell weed like a trapper with some balls.


He’s probably doing both to maximize profits to be fair.


This is what one calls a false dichotomy.

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