Splatter/Shattered Platter Purpose?

and I appreciate it a lot thank you

“drain port, drain port”
i cant hear you!!

for real tho, any machine that requires any more disassembly in-process than exchanging a material sock is detrimental to safety, your back, the clock, and your wallet


I’m with you on the drain valve, CIP, and streamlined workflow. I’m not sold on the socks…

My experience with socks was that biomass loading was reduced by 50% or so. ie loading 4-5lb in a 6x48 rather than 8-10lb.

They make loading and unloading a breeze, but surely they don’t save enough time to make up for the yield loss on each run?

Just ordered the high pressure clamps. What is a true dewaxing setup?


The 1.5" ones from OpenSourceSteel and the 2" and 6" ones from GlacierTanks.


Here’s a picture of my setup. This is a true single solvent dewaxing extractor. There are tons on the market. Every single extractor company offers some form of this whether on a rack or inline like I have it.

You can see I can chill my material. Dump the butane/oil mixture into that middle chamber which is MATCHED to the amount of solvent I run. That middle chamber holds 6.5lbs of solvent at 80%. I leave the butane/oil mixture in that middle chamber for 2 hours or so. There is absolutely no material in there. Just butane/oil! After 2 hours of letting all the waxes coagulate in -65c. I then dump the mixture in my collection for recovery.

This is just my personal extractor. I seen @Cryo13 extractor and his is practically the same but rack mounted. It’s all the same concept. Just different layout.

Mine is a hodgepodge of parts. I can run this extractor 2 ways. One way like the picture. This is a 1lb dewaxing extractor. BUT since my base is 10”. When I want to run a bit faster or the material doesn’t need dewaxing. I just run a 4x24” jacketed spool directly to the collection. And run the appropriate amount of solvent for 2.5lb runs.


What size is the middle chamber 6"?

No 10". So when I want to do a true dewaxing I want a middle dewaxing column that can safely match the amount of solvent being passed thru the first column… So basically if I were to mimic the middle setup of yours I would want a 6×6 jacketed column.

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6x12 plus the 1.5”x6” on the bottom above the valve. And yes your going to want a 6x6 dewaxing chamber of you using less than 3lbs of gas.


Thank you​:blush::blush::blush:


So it sounds like for the mean time…
Use the high pressure clamps,
Drop all sight glass…
And valve

Use dewax material column and only it…
Blast FAST and COLD!!!
If you do this and no soak u can get pretty dang close! Just make sure u wait 30mim to reach temp and keep dry ice full!

Don’t run that any other way than @Killa12345 trying to show you if your trying to Inline Dewax… Don’t wanna get hurt…
No reason to do all that when that system set up right will achieve very very clear terps and stones!

BTW we all make mistakes…I think @Killa12345 fixed me about 5x already!!!


Could you use a pretty assembled 6×6 closed loop lid as an end cap for the 6×6 jacketed column? To give it a pressure reading and a purge port so afterwards you could recover butane left iver from the 6×6 dewaxing column or would that not be worth it/safe. https://www.hardwarefactorystore.com/extractor-lid-for-6-tank/

U need hemispherical lids for inline dewaxer

So…Hemispherical Tri Clamp Standard Lid

Not for Inline Dewax no…

BTW might wanna talk to @Killa12345
… If your looking to build, might be worth it

Thank You.

To be honest one more time…
You really should just try running without ur non Jacket column, pack your jacket column w material… Go straight into collection, pack everything w dry ice… Blast fast and cold no soak… Instead spending anything!

After guidance by these guys I think I can take cls and get pretty damn close without the inline!

.and simple coil to chill solvent can get you freaking close as that’s gonna do IMO …or nitro pushing cryo solvent…
remember I said CLOSE…so close I don’t think the EYE can tell


I have a 1x36 dewaxing spool, I did a freeze and ran it straight thru and did a warm water recovery and it was probably the most yellow batch I ever had. I upgraded to 2" to reduce the amount of dry ice needed. I actually have yet to even use the 2" dewaxing column I have yet so I’m going to try it out next week and I’ll post pics after.

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You could use that lid no problem. But only as a lid not as a botttom end cap on a dewaxer. You want to have some type of set up of separate stages of filters as end caps to not clog your flow. You can do this using reducers to save money and when you get down to the size that connects to your collection lid just add a clamp . For example 6x4 reducer with 200 micron then 4x3 100 micron then 3x2 50 micron then 2x(whatever size you need) 1 micron . But then again the lower the micron it can get harder to have optimal flow so you might want to not run so low

Also only way to have proper dewax set up is to have a rack mounted set up. You can build one using 20/20 aluminum for the low sub $100 if you buy scrap pieces and are crafty. If you keep stacking things it’s going to be two stories high no joke. Been there done that made me feel like a clown keep on stacking tubes filled with butane hoping it didn’t tip over or something. Your dewax chamber needs to be same volume as your collection chamber unless your running multiple strains and beasting it with one collection chamber and a valve fuck the platter! Isn’t that what everyone is doing in 2018 :joy: squirt some in jars some in parchment for slabs some in Pyrex. Squirt it all over the place :joy::face_with_monocle: