Splatter/Shattered Platter Purpose?

Ahhh okay… I will not use the dewaxer for now. You know what. sigh I think I’m just gonna use alcohol and my rotovap for now until I get everything ready situated and actually good for the cls. I’ll ask for help along the way in the future if I need any. Tbh I had no idea this site existed when i started building, I do would’ve asked before I started. Try again.

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If I did*

you have all the right parts… its just you have too many parts which arent meant to work in the manor your setting it up. If you reduced the amount of parts on that thing. You probably wont have to rack mount it. Without the extras it should lighten up a bit.

Why dont you just use the top cap…the dewaxing spool only with no valve under it. If you want to add that small sight glass under the spool. Go for it. Get some new HP clamps for those spots to start. Remove all the valves on your system on the spool set up. Run it top feed. No close off. You will be set.

You really have all the parts there for a successful extractor. Just simplify it then when your ready expand it; do it the right way with intentions thought out!


Hey buddy, I notice your having hard time editing…

Notice the :pencil2: ,over from your likes :heartbeat: on every comment you leave at the bottom… You can go back an edit it for up to a week I think…

Keeps everything cleaned up…

BTW listen to @Killa12345
He’s definitely got the process down, helped me hoan my skills right in…


Maybe post up pics of tour entire setup. One of those who are fluent in closed loop systems can help you build it with what you only need

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I’d remove from the valve in the middle to the very top. Only keep dewaxer (add top gauge to this column) , and base. Once you ready for a run buy dry ice and break it all apart if comes in bricks. Add alcohol to make a slushie slowly and add it to the jacket. Let it get super cold re adding dry ice and alcohol and then pull down vacuum valve off vacuum and instantly inject . It would be like a semi de wax if not complete de wax especially with that little material.

i usually ground up a qp and i get not too bad of a slab and usually only do one run. I only use dry ice on the column 'cause i’m super scared of using alcohol to make a slurry, I want too so bad though because I know it would reduce so much more bs.

can someone give me a list of terms for cls extractions, like “inject”. i’m also intersted in the closed jacketed columns. Those use liquid nitrogen to cool it down? again still a little new all the help is appreciated.

Inject= adding pressurized liquid solvent to your material column from a tank.

recover= moving solvent vapor from extractor to solvent tank by means of thermo equilibrum, or mechanical pumping.

ln2 is one of maney ways to chill a jacket.

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i ordered stainless fittings today as well as blue monster ptfe sealant tape. i’m also changing out the recovery port to a fully stainless one. i have to save up more for all the clamps but those are next.

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I’m waiting on the fittings for my base and I’m ordering the clamps in a few days. But you mean something like this?

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No. Lose the tee on the top. That looks janky AF. Also. No valve under the material column.

100% before anything. Replace at least that 6” hingded clamp too.

Why no valve under the material column? Aren’t you supposed to let the material soak in the column?

Not unless you want waxy dark oil!


But isn’t the dry ice column supposed to help reduce lipids?

Reduce. Not eliminate. And if you use it the way your intending. Then your using it wrong! And are completely defeating the purpose of using it.

The way it’s configured it is simply there to keep your material cold. Not to dewax. That is it!


So basically chill my material in the column and then let the butane flood the material straight thru the column into the base and then start warm water recovery?


Yes. But you want your whole system vac down but yes. You don’t have to right pieces to do a true dewaxing.

This is probably the easiest and safest way to set up the parts you currently have and if the material is good. You should be able to make some nice concentrates.

This is so you don’t need to buy really anything more than you have and this should make it so much more simple. When you get your training wheels off. Then expand in a why that makes sense.


I have a valve on the bottom for running live material, you can close it and recover the column from the top. You never have to worry about h20 defrosting and dripping down into your collection spool, especially when you heat during recovery.


He don’t have a bottom feed port though.