Scromiting: a dangerous side effect of excess cannabis use

Does anyone here have any personal experience with scromiting brought on by cannabis use?

It hasn’t happened to me yet so it’s not real


Honestly, that’s good stuff to share. I know we all love this industry, and I myself am heavily invested in Cannabis as a whole, but every single thing I read in that article I myself am exhibiting. I am on day 3 of no dabs or blunts and I believe I’m going to maintain it for sometime, I am actually starting to feel somewhat normal again. I think I am suffering from GERD and the cannabis is causing / exacerbating it quite a bit. I have wretched so loud throwing up stomach bile that my neighbors thought I was being murdered.

Also I caution anyone trying to use cannabis while trying to get on an anxiety medication. I was trying to get on Fluoxetine while still dabbing daily and fuck my life I wish I never experienced what that did to me. Scared the absolute shit out of me.

I have an ENT appointment in two weeks. My hope is to gradually introduce dabs back into my rhythm as I’m not against them, but I have to be real with myself what this shit can do.

I’m glad they are doing studies and research on the effects of marijuana use, but when you talk about long term use causing scromiting and then talk about teens, it sounds ridiculous.


Doctors treating “scromiting”…



“Long Term Use” is vague. I’m pretty damn thankful I didn’t smoke weed till 28, I’m 36 now and while I love cannabis, what we have made it through technology isn’t something to fuck around with. I’m at my point of consumption where removing it from my life actual nets me positive health results.

I personally am glad shit like this is coming out because without it my mind goes down dark ass rabbit holes as to what is exactly killing me and I know I’m not alone in that.


Other explorations of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

Do you?

mainly curious why the question was phrased that way…is there another shoe you haven’t dropped yet?

Ex employee I had would get this, was like watching a dog who couldn’t stop eating poop he just kept going back to the weed and it kept getting him super sick. Missed lots of work. He even puked on my front porch right in front of me once. Was hospitalized a couple times for it. Apparently it wore off and now he’s back to smoking again.


I believe it’s a real issue, unfortunately I think it’s also misdiagnosed too often.

Seems now that if you tell your doctor you smoke cannabis they’ll automatically diagnose it as cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. If you don’t smoke, it’s cyclic vomiting syndrome…

We really don’t know enough to accurately diagnose anything yet. “Try not smoking weed to rule it out” seems to be the current approach.


I am a long term heavy smoker and it really is hard to quit, I find that insomnia seems to be the hardest side effect for me, but I have noticed I easily get thick saliva the moment my body gets even slightly dehydrated and dealing with that and GERD causes me to gag sometimes so I pretty much chug water rite after smoking to clear it. For me, papaya enzimes and valerian root extract have calmed my guts down and helped me get a good nights rest when I couldnt get to sleep because I wasnt smoking.



Here is an interesting study regarding treatment of CHS

The woman reported that a single dose of haldol cured her condition, she continued taking the drug for three weeks, discontinued its use and she subsequently disappeared and failed to show up again to ask for more haldol or report further issues.

@Distillight -
This may be something to ask your doctor about, show them this study and try it out if they agree? And please report back with findings if you decide to try it out.

If CHS is cured by a short, low dose Haldol prescription then we may be able to finally stop saying the word scromit.

Further searching yields this report:

Case Report: Is haloperidol the wonder drug for cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome? - PMC.

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Absolutely checking into it.

While I do believe the oil in it’s purity is extremely difficult for our body to absorb / remove.

I have a theory- the oil from the dab obviously coats our mouth and we cough up a significant amount, all of which ends up in our stomach ultimately. I feel like my body is creating more bile to try and break it down, when it can’t, it induces vomiting to try and remove it, retching is abetter description.

The smoke is the other issue, the heat from the dab after going through the rig is still hot as shit when you inhale it. I used to think it was the smoke agitating my throat, after researching GERD and GERD symptoms I now think it’s the heat of the stomach acid that’s refluxing that’s burning my esophagus, not the smoke, but the smoke triggers the acid reflux. I have thrown up what I feel was pure lava.

Anyways, I’ll be the first to admit dabbing 4-5x/day isn’t a good lifestyle choice. The strength of weed these days is reaching Walter White levels.


:triumph: yeahhhh truuuu

I got an 8th of dabs for 7/10 and the first huge dab I took after not dabbing for a while made me nauseous.

Heart burn was a bitch too.

I also agree that the coating of the lungs happens and in time it can pose problems because it can’t expel from your system unless you allow it to (I.e. Not dabbing) .

Dabs are chill and all but I agree that dabbing every day habitually can be problematic in the long run.

IMHO, Hash and hash oils should be treated like it’s a luxury.

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100% brother. I’m actually on day 10 no dabs. I truly thought this would be a nightmare experience because I fucking LOVE dabbing, shit three of my favorite rosin brands gave me nearly an ounce of amazing hash and I had to give it away to my employees. But I feel amazing. I can breathe, my brain isn’t attacking me with anxiety, my throat feels great, and I haven’t had heartburn in a week. I wish I did this years ago. I do hope to get back into it after 60 days but with more caution and understanding.

I had to taper off using dry sift and then after I felt like the whole leaf was better than the dry sift; I switched to whole leaf and it’s been dope tbh.

I was using probiotics after a while when I was dabbing because I was starting to experience symptoms of the hyper emesis and that was helping curb the nausea. My body didn’t seem to like the dabbing before shitting cause of the coughing so I’d end up constipated sometimes and then I’d have to take Miralax or give myself an enema after being wicked bloated like 6-7 lbs bloated.

It was starting to really negativity impact my life and I’m not saying it’s all the dabs fault but that was the only form of high thca consumption at the time and when I stopped I was able to poop easier and my tolerance being down I can make an ounce of medical Cannabis last near 2 weeks.

I was over smoking too because my tolerance was so high and I was in a loop of lower the tolerance and heighten it to keep being able to dab effectivly.

It was starting to feel like a drug.


Honestly your story is one I’ve heard a bunch, there is actually a fairly popular subreddit dedicated to this exact topic. I’ll see if I can google it again, it has a weird name that I can’t remember.

“Scromiting” is a very accurate word The sounds that came from me while dealing with CHS is something I hope I never hear again. I will say I have had 2 - 3 episodes in this 10 day no dabbing period so far, but they have been increasingly easier as they happen I sorta see the light at the end of the tunnel. Though of course I always fear I gave myself a life long issue.

And I agree, some people can handle this shit, my brain… was tapping out. Physical effects aside, the mental was pretty scary as well, I went down some pretty dark rabbit holes that in-reflection, just didn’t make sense why I was so mad.

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But I won’t lie I love tripping sack eating a gram of rso every now and then.

I love it. It became a oh I think I wanna trip sack on rso once in a while kinda thing after the first time I ate a gram of it to the face.

I also was addicted to robotussin for a long time from age 17 to 22 so it’s actually really nice to be able to trip sack, take a huge shit and know it’s just weed oil and not something that’s gonna ruin my being.

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My girl and I were talking this morning and she thinks COPD is most likely the outcome.