I’ve been to the e.r. hundreds of times in the past twenty years for severe episodes of nausea and abdominal pain, uncontrollable and unending until dehydration led to unconsciousness. At first ulcers were the main suspect, as one was found on my duodenum. Drinking drugging and the cooks lifestyle seemed likely enough. So I quit drugs (not tough. Never more than a casual ‘oh yeah? Sure I’ll do a little’ type guy) and toned down my drinking, ulcers healed up fine, but I was still getting sick. I had some ups and downs with doctors in and out of the e.r. and I can honestly say I’ve met some of the most uncompassionate people on earth, and I’ve met some Angel’s, both always without fail in the absolute least expected places (perhaps that’s a criterium for their existance)
I was misdiagnosed w cannabinoid hyperemesis more than once, ulcers, migraine disorders, depression, a slew of gastro disorders, and most recently, pancreatitis. Once a doctor said he wasn’t going to give me anything because he wasn’t an idiot, he could see the track marks on my arms (I’m a cook, they were just old burns)
I’ve been kicked out of e.r. waiting rooms for being ‘too sick.’
I declared bankruptcy ten years ago because of hospital bills, and now I have that kamikaze style health insurance that isn’t worth it unless I get hospitalized a certain number of times a year…
Cvs is fairly new on the radar, seems to be related to migranes. Uninterrupted sleep seems to be the best treatment.
For me marijuana has always helped, but won’t do much specifically to help except helping me eat and relax while recovering.
When i was younger and i wasnt tuned into the medical properties of cannabis - about 1 out of 100 mornings when i would smoke it would make me nauseous and vomit. Usually associated with drinking the night before (or during) the episode.
Once in a while though, less than a handful of times I can remember, I would get sick from just smoking. Usually from a bong, and almost always after an “overtoke” i would get nauseous but it would stay for an hour sometimes more.
I remember finishing a doctors sentence once fifteen years ago about a cannabinoid hyperemesis study in Australia stopping his high and mighty ass in his tracks…I’m sure he meant well, and cvs wasn’t even a thing then. I knew then cuz I was in tune what cannabis meant for me that it couldn’t totally save me, but it certainly wasn’t the culprit.
Episodes occur avg four to like eight episodes a year, with a duration of one hour up to ten days. Overactive stress response causing abnormal gastric process. links to migranes
Up until the last couple years I think there were only a handful of doctors who were willing to diagnose cvs. So I have no experience with specialists, but every g.i. doc I’ve seen knows nothing.
I will say a friend had a tincture once when an episode occurred while I was just hanging out at his house it was a super strong cbd that I had added a large unmeasured ammount of mostly decarbed shatter I made for him. He went and got it immediately (I didn’t even think he had any left, nor to even ask really) and I wished and swallowed and held it under my tongue and garbled a ton of it…and it worked.
So maybe it’s like using truffle and foie gras, the greatest sin is using too little
i am absolutely not trying to sell any of you anything, but i am thinking that REAL cannabis terpenes in a diffuser breathed directly through your nose, inhaled, like meditating under it would help eliminate both issues. possibly ingesting also in a tea or drink of choice. or a low dose CBD/Terpene blend that can be a administred in a nasal spray like for convulsions or epilepsy could also help.
i say this only from my personal experiences and from the science that is out on the benefits and effects of cannabis terpenes when used properly.
Its worth a shot, im not a DR.
meditation is strong, w/ terpenes is way stronger. i dont have experience with CVS. but i have knowledge and experience w/ terpenes and their neurological benefits. headaches migranes and nausea from my experiences can be greatly helped with such use.
Honestly bro, that diffuser has haunted my nightmares ever since I mixed my first batch. The thought that someone would burn 20-30 carts worth of terp an hour is terrifying.
Hemp terps would make sense, but CANNA terps?! That’s a flex
Are you just NOW hearing pancreatitis from the docs? Thats what I was thinking as I started reading this. Your story is extremely close to my brothers. He to has been in and out of the ER a multitude of times (still is). He lives in a relatively large city with a population of 250,00, so you would think in all his ER visits, he would have ran into a good ER Physician. IDK Im not there. But it took him finding a BIG city doc, at a big university hospital, to get help. This last December he under went a very big surgery. Patients with chronic pancreatitis have the option of having an auto — meaning “self” — islet transplant after a total pancreatectomy, which is the removal of the entire pancreas. A pancreatectomy is usually performed to relieve pain in patients when all other treatments fail. He had this right when Covid hit the US. Its been a nightmare for him. Had a hot abdomen (infectious puss ball in his stomach due to narcotic bowl). This was during the NO surgeries permited days of Covid. Very scary to say the least.
Do you have lower GI symptoms, blood in the stool or diarrhea?
What Kinds of test have been administered? scopes upper/lower, RCP
Remember the ER will not (should not) treat belly pain, unless they know the reason for the pain. This can lead to horrible outcomes. I recognize how this sucks. I’ve been on the pt. side in the ER with Pancreatitis. Waves of uncontrollable pain, hard to get a breath in because of the hot knife in my back.
I’m sorry about your brother pancreatitis is pretty serious, (that’s actually why I made the tincture for the guy I was talking about: he has chronic pancreatitis)
I’ve been scoped upper and lower multiple times, ct, ultrasound, x rays. Barium enemas, contrast dyes, banana flavored gut drainer, hypnosis, fulric minerals from natural medicine folks.
All blood work is normal except spikes expected during episodes.
I take co-q 10 and l-carnitine, (for the past two years) and my episodes are further and further apart since. The last one, last week, was the first in over a year.
I’m not sciencey enough to figure out why the coenzyme is effective, but I think I get l-carnitine.
I keep thinking about that too, it seems counter-intuitive but abdominal migranes have alot of the same symptoms as a traditional migraine, like photo sensitivity, noises, etc…i dunno. Maybe i just want to do a little shrooms to take a load off
2x a month or more. They are Migraines not cluster headaches. I did a 2g dose a few months ago. It was purely for fun, not for the migraines. Since then, I’ve had 4 or more.
I was going to have a little shroom fun on Saturday for the fireworks. That’s on hold now since this morning’s migraine.
I was next up on a migraine study at Michigan State University, but then covid hit.
dont take this the wrong way, but have you thought about an anxiety condition making you obsessed and constantly self concious about the condiiton, when its gonna flare up, etc? anxiety and throwing up go hand in hand, and I always think of a mental problem when the patient swears theres something wrong with them even when the tests come up with nothin…
the mind is a VERY powerful thing, in severe cases you will have absolutely zero idea if what your feeling is “real” or not and may swear on your mothers grave it isnt in your head, but the way your brain works is it never wants to accept that its crazy, so you spend your whole life getting tests, racking up bills, seeing doc after doc…you arent the first person this has happened to.
The docs are most likely not legally allowed to say it or would never admit it to you, but when they leave the room after hearing your life story they most likely all think you are a nut. thats why you are getting this shitty attitudes