Now I feel like that old wrestling documentary where that dude is crying saying 'it’s real to me God dammit. Its real to me!
The docs are allowed to say crazy when they see it. Hell there is an entire field dedicated for doing just that.
One episode in a year, yea that sounds like the crazies I’m used to.
I know of a few friends that have bad migraines. Some get cervical injections. I hear good results from botox injections. Not my wheel house.
Different treatments for different causes.
I also try not to start sentences with ‘dont take this the wrong way but…’
I’ve read that your gut flora play a large role in how your body decides to express genes. I cant explain the far reaching implications this may have, maybe @cyclopath being a biologist can learn us something.
Haven’t been following that particular discussion closely, but did over hear the concept that flinging poo may have been about homogenizing micro-flora amongst the troupe.
Dude, you’ll think much more like me once you get these bacteria in your gut…
nah man, just giving you shit!
Is this your way of saying you support eating ass?
In my line of work. We refer to that as “finger painting”. Watch yourself, just might end up in that scenario.
Sooner than later.
Down here we call it mudboggin
Ill keep reading about mitochondria and energy conversion, and co q 10, itll soak in soon enough. Thanks all of you!
its a damn zoo in here all the sudden
I blame @cyclopath for that. He’s good at it. Seen him in the lab with hooves on. No joke. Hahaha
That’s actually some crazy stuff. I suffer from severe crohns and I’ve been watching it. From all my research destroyed gut bacteria leads to a lot of other health issues, as gnarly of a procedure as it seems I’d consider it if it shows real promise.
For those of you who don’t know what it’s about they don’t put poop in you, they put someone else’s bacteria in you which they sourced from poop lol
crazy shit indeed.
I agree my wife has mad cow disease. Take her away. What?
I can totally attest - though anecdotal - that mental health can totally be related to gut health. While I’m still chronically ill and depressed, because I’ve fixed my nutrition and removed issues that were destroying my gut my mental state has most definitely improved. I used to be quick to anger, argumentative, unwilling, easily distracted, etc…
Check out that book ‘breaking the viscous cycle’
It probably single handedly helped me start thinking in the right way more than any other part of my story.
I’ll definitely have to look that one up, thanks
I’m fairly certain I exhibit Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome. It seems to begin with a unique dull pain, like a headache in the beck left quadrant of my neck, that slowly intensifies. Eventually, there is an awful “shift” usually marked by minutes of severe nausea and vomiting, which signals I’ve entered the “Hell” phase.
At that point I’m always shocked by how intensely I’m sweating, how incredibly pale and sickly my face looks, and how hard I just puked. Another thing I’ve noticed is that “staying still” is really hard. Bouts of vomiting come again before long. The discomfort in my head and neck remains intense.
Finally, my body will feel very confused temperature-wise, like the chills of a fever, but somehow more evil. I can only describe it as if I think I’m uncomfortably hot, then try to shed some clothes and get comfortable, only to realize that I’m actually freezing.
But wait, here’s the point: during one episode, in an effort to cleanse myself after sweating through all of my clothes, I unknowingly got into the shower. My mind proceeded to be fucking blown. As the hot water hit my face, it felt as if all of the pain was vanquished instantly and completely, wherever the water ran. Unfortunately, the pain would return almost immediately upon returning to a cooler environment. However, hot water is able to temporarily provide total relief of symptoms, at least for me: the aches, nausea, ‘can’t stay still’, everything.
tl;dr - Make sure all of you potheads with CVS symptoms try a hot shower if you haven’t already!