Rosin Cart for vaping?

Hello to all of you !

I have been searching for a way to get my flower power inside a cart for vaping discreetly. I love daytime vaping and can’t use real flower because of all the smell and issues with having to vape it.

I have been researching for a decent, humane way to get the flower inside my carts without having them clogged.

So far I have “understood” that i need to dry sift my weed using a tumbler, not much so as to get very pure material (off white). Then i have to cold press it with my 600Kg qnubu press and get the rosin as liquid as possible.

Now here is where i am lost. The information on the topic is sparse and i sense that is is highly garded. I am not looking for an industrial way. Just a home solution to get me medicated. I can purchase any machine in the 200 to 300 dollars range. It has to be small though and process low amounts.

I hear stuff about mechanical separation, decarbing long or slow, under pressure, with nitrogen or not, dewaxing using centrifuges, reintroducing terpenes. I thought the terpenes are carcinogenic at high concentrations, but what about the inital rosin that we dab, isn’t it rich in terpenes ?

Nothing really definite as a guide. I was wondering if I can get in touch with someone who does this repeatedly and want/can share a step by step tutorial ? I live in europe and think i am sort of an oddball here as everyone seems to be in the US of A !

I bought some PCKT full ceramic carts as i have been told these don’t clog up and can handle thick oils.

Thank you all for your time and effort


I’d reach out to @SubstituteCreature he can probably have you sorted out in an hour or two on the phone


Got any pictures of your input (trichomes) or output (rosin)?

To get your extract into the cart, it needs to be less viscous. Just heating and loading MIGHT work.

I’ve been known to refill a cart with whatever was on deck using a dab tool and a torch… it works better if you decarb first, but will work without in the right hardware. A quick “preheat” with a torch can be useful for stubborn/stable extracts.

Some folks like to separate the “terps” from the cannabinoids before decarb. To protect the terpenes from the deliberate heat degradation being applied to the cannabinoids. Some don’t bother.

An inert atmosphere may help.

A pressurized vessel can be used if you can’t be bothered sepArating your cannabinoids from your “terps” pre decarb.

Decarb under pressure to retain terps?

Decarb for carts question

Separation Anxiety (mechanical)


Fuge is nice if you got the one Waxy is playing with. :grin:

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Thank you all for your replies.

I guess it’s the “might” that stresses me out. I would prefer to invest a little bit more in hardware if the result will be more predictable like a centrifuge.

The thing is, i don’t find numbers rpm or minutes to centrifuge anywhere. no tutorials.


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This thread may help a bit too

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thanks, i will look into that

  1. Press flower into rosin
  2. Put rosin in small mason jar with two-piece lid (because they can vent positive pressure)
  3. Put jar in oven at 90 C for 48 hours
  4. Carefully fill carts with the hot oil using a dab tool and “dip-and-drip” technique

Note that I would only fill the carts to half capacity, as a hedge against the possibility of them becoming clogged after a certain amount of use (due to presence of undesirable plant material)

This will get you something to vape discreetly. They won’t taste great, but they won’t taste bad either… “Earth Cheeseburger” is my best description…


If you are trying to make something nice for yourself you could try to repress your rosin to separate the terps. Then decarb the THCA and add the terps back in.

  1. Make hash. If you need help making and drying hash, there are other threads for that.

  2. Press the hash. Collect the output rosin into a jar.

  3. Allow time for the rosin to sugar up, a bit of heat could speed this up. Again, other threads for this.

  4. Put the sugar rosin into low micron bags. Press the bags with rosin in them. Low temp. Collect the terp layer and store. Open up the bag post press to remove the THCA inside.

  5. Decarb the THCA alone. once the decarb is done, lower the temp and mix back in the terpenes. dispense into pens.


Sorry guys both these methods are seriously lacking in the steps to make anything of high quality in terms of taste


What exactly is mine lacking? I didnt want to do a huge write up, so I gave what I thought would be good main points. What should I have added to make a good product in your opinion?


…and you’re keeping those bits to yourself?

I don’t believe @juliette offers much in the way of competition. maybe you could give her a couple of hints in the DM?


I would say the ol hash rosin decarb is the way to go. Make some bubble hash first otherwise the elevated amounts of waxes and lipids will gum up the works and then press it into rosin. Spinning rosin for carts (to me - to each their own) is putting a hat on a hat. Rosin has damn good out of the box terp retention if the input is carefully washed and processed so I’ve never ran into a “needs more terps” situation for a rosin cart. I’ve experimented with isolating the terps but it’ll just make whatever jar it’s going into kind of intense - and depending on what strain/how it was handled/other elements the viscosity can sometimes be pretty sloshy in it’s own right to the point where it will piss right through a cart since when it warms up its damn near like water.

It’ll produce less of a haze visually and a very very clean taste compared to the buildup of fats and lipids which if you compare to what’s left behind on a banger during the vaporization process is pretty significant. 2.2v on a ccell will have fat sized clouds that taste not burnt and just like the input. There’s a few different not just advantages but kind of necessities as the same things that would make a flower rosin cart short out faster would also make it taste bad. I would like to add you don’t need a freeze dryer for this. Only if you want to fight oxidization and for a closer to a “raw off the plant terp” taste although as @MassTerpenes has taught me some terps mature with a bit of exposure to oxygen so well made bubble hash could give it that slight taste of oxygen but during the air-cure give a nice maturity to the taste.

Good luck!

I would like to add that I wrote this after brushing my 3 cats and husky - I looked like a dollar store Chewbacca costume while all absorbed into writing this.


Have you tried decarbing rosin with that Cannabicitran I gave you, @SubstituteCreature? I’ve found that mixing in a generous amount of CBT (like 20%) and decarbing is pretty much a foolproof way to turn any decent rosin or live resin into a cart with very little effort.

I do have some natural, hemp derived CBT that has ND D9 that is EU-compliant. The viscosity is similar to maple syrup.

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You know i’ve got some that were just so thick even after a pretty full decarb that they couldn’t move for shit and I didn’t trust it not to tax an atomizer - I’ve got like 10 empty carts left, I think you just gave me another project to nail today, bud! I’ll report back.


True dat. Just took my great pyr in for her annual and I’m gonna need new clothes before going anywhere near hash


For sure. I’ll read again later and assist if necessary. In the middle of packaging a couple kilos of rosin on the fly for white label order :call_me_hand:

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@cyclopath @ky_cbd @SubstituteCreature @ThePhilosopherStoned

Thank you all for your help.

I am in europe and wanted to get this done because 1) I cant source certified clean carts. 2) carts don’t smell and this expands your area. I can daytime now with friends, in the park, at the movies. No Smell, Practical. 3) The concentrate will get all my friends medicated quickly. The joints used to take a lot of time to pass on and in a 15 people group, the highs where not synchronized. With this method, i am able to get everyone to the same point quite quickly. 4) The battery mods don’t need to get recharged and the charge lasts a lot of time. It seems so energy efficient and clean.

So back to my setup. Here is what I plan to do. My criterias are that it has to be reproductible and as little user specific as possible because I cannot control my strains and I won’t be doing this a lot. I plan to get the flower, do this once or twice a year and store all of the equipment away.

Please feel free to intervene when necessary. I kinda made a step by step tutorial as I was learning along the way. English is not my primary language so sorry for the mistakes. I used to smoke weed with tobacco, then quit tobacco and went with vaping flower (but you had to recharge the devices a lot), then I got into the thc carts game. This is some exciting times to be in. I understand you guys have impressive setups but I need to keep things small.

  1. Get some flower, preferably home grown but this is in another league for me. I have a distant friend who grows out in the sun and i can hopefully guide him into a strain or two but i don’t wanna push my luck.
  2. Remove the leafs from the flower and keep only the buds
  3. No freezing. Make sure everything is extra dry and cured and room temp. I am not looking at yield but quality.
  4. Put the flower in the dry sift tumbler and put it on low speed for 10 to 20 minutes.
  5. Visually control the colour of the powder, it should be sand like. If it turns green, it’s time to stop.
  6. Double bag the kief into 25micron bags and into a 160micron bag.
  7. Press on a qnubu portable hand press (600kg) at 80 degres Celcius for 3 minutes.
  8. The rosin should crystalize (the thc should turn into thca). Not sure how to do that. Just let it sit there ?
  9. Load a 25 micron bag into a 50mL tube. Put the lid on. then spin slow then go to 4000 rpm for an hour. Not sure how can i heat the plastic tubes if the rosin don’t seperate.
  10. Dump the liquid and keep the thca (yes i know this is bad, but distillation is a lot of work for me and the results are not easy to predict).
  11. decarb the thca crystals at 110 degres celcius for an hour. (if i undestand correctly, now that the waxes and terpenes are out, i can decarb using an open jar ?). So decarb until no bubbles without any pressure or nitrogen (can’t do it easily at home)
  12. while the thca is liquid, introduce clean terps (I chose the cali terpenes brand) which seem like terps from organicaly grown plants. I know this is not dispensary quality and perfection but i am looking at a time/result ratio here. If this is too bad of a quality please let me know. I might as well dump the liquid because i am not sure my bud is free of pesticides. I have a stirer on the hotplate and planed to use that but maybe too much stiring will make the consistency into a badder ?
  13. use a heated glass seringue and metal needles to fill my pckt full ceramic carts (are they good ?)

thank you all for all of these tips and info. I would not have been able to make this step by step guide without your help.


These are all plant to hash to rosin to pen, nothing added, nothing taken away.


Hopefully some waxes were taken, and maybe some chlorophyll