Recarboxylation Method: CBDA, CBGA Converted cannabinoids method

yall are encouraging people to use seriously dangerous stuff! those chemicals will make u retarded but maybe thats how u got to this point.

either way i made my money today.

retracting to not further the shit show and muting this thread

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Nope the 3 I mentioned got the sop because I know like me they enjoy the knowledge
Don t know if they tried it or ever will
But like many eureka moments in life I am certain someone else will figure it out soon enough and then the flood gates are open
Again you did well on achieving your tech

As for respect and decent communication s you failed big time by the way :joy::joy:


What proof would you like a contract sale ? For a decade :grin:
I can offer you 200 kg a month for 1000$ \ kg
99% pure cbd-a
I don t work with nda s so thatā€™s a thingy
Most folks that breach a deal end up in the trunk :grin:. But if your sure you keep your end of the deal that should not be an isseu :joy:


You need this style rotor, but not quite so big.


This one weighs around 350lb.

I can see folks with a lot of a-minus cannabinoids on their hands wanting a enzymatically based recarboxylation process. Seems like the right way to do most chemistry to me (clear bias on my part).

If the deal is

hereā€™s a tube of critters that you can grow, and harvest the required enzymology, only going back to the source when you loose the culture, Iā€™ll show you how itā€™s done and get you on your way

then I donā€™t see why folks are bent out of shape

However, this particular discussion has happened in more than one thread, and I have not been following along.

Also not sure what is wrong with an NDA if youā€™re actually interested.

I donā€™t know how @Co2purist approached the problem of design vs evolve vs screen for candidates, or made improvements after selection. But I can attest that none of those are trivial.

I though enzymes were the solution back in 2018. I still do.


The trunk tek


Like squeezing a rockā€¦for infoā€¦okā€¦bioreactor.

Now about price when you say 1m you mean M. Or MM?

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As usual thank you for some sound advice
As for the enzymes I would take your word
As sufficient to believe it s the right track to take
As for @Co2purist
I needed a few hours of interesting read time to get a better understanding of the tech you are offering and for me personally at my scale this is probably to far fetched
But I am convinced that if you where to
Explain what it takes equipment wise
How a enzyme production timeline looks like
And give an explanation of it s pro s and con s
You would probably have a cheering public
On the forum
No need to have a nda yust to make folks understand what marvel this tech could be for the industry ( never to late to do so )
Once I realized that citric acid is made with a mold beeing fed molasses I realized that scaling Can be done
Anyhow best of luck with the teck
And it s folks like you that this industry needs for minor cannabinoids so I hope you stick around


:grin: the only teck where everybody losses and not recomended
Rather have a lawyer chasing me than the brother


I have no doubts about the ability of enzymes or the wide variety of things they enable (electronic blood glucose monitoring for example).

But dude waltzes in and swings his dick around and expects everyone to bow and complement based on his own measurements, offering zero proof or anything really beyond what could rationally be construed as vague puffery. What do you expect?

There are quite a few of us here with pieces of paper on our walls (some even from fancy universities).

NDAs cut both ways. They can be used to protect IP or repress actual legitimate criticism of scams prior to the scammers payday. I reserve my right to skepticism.


You guys are delusional if you think I am the one who was disrespectful in this instance. Yā€™all treat me like jackals and then act as if I am a dick for responding.

Some great people messaged me as for the rest of yā€™all you will never see this tek.



Serious question here, what is the huge benefit of being able to ā€œrecarbā€ thc or cbd other than the obvious of using older material in thc case. Not in the cbd space or conversions or minors so genuinely curious. Also cool as shit enzymes and all the stuff over my head, just want the knowledge


Saving hemp farms with millions of pounds of material they canā€™t move.

CBDA higher price point, high demand.

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Especially in Europe.

About what i figured. I just have no idea of the prices so thatā€™s what made me curious.

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I know plenty of unpleasant people in academia. Your attitude is no different than some of the most miserable researchers Iā€™ve had the pleasure of working with.

That being said, the way you speak on here is not indicative whatsoever of your extensive academic experience. To me, you could just be some wook (your words, not mine) deep in the books whoā€™s trying to make a quick buck.

We saw red flags 6 months ago, I see even more nowā€¦


As for europe I am afraid it s not an option at scale so far I have yet to find more than 5 legal facility s that can extract purify and have thc over 0.3% on the premises
Those 5 have invested such huge amounts
That they are crying as we speak with a RO on investment multiplied by ten folds if the price stays like this
It seems Germany Austria are gona change some laws in the near future regarding thc so that would be solved
But use of flammable solvents will stay an isseu that needs big funding overhere
So yes for the sake of the farmers i hope your right but I doubt it completely legal that is
Althou extracting with R 1234 might be an option come to think of it
Decarboxilation extraction recarboxilation

Might be a viable route

Eastern europe