Recarboxylation Method: CBDA, CBGA Converted cannabinoids method

Maybe they shouldn’t have grown it in the first place. You’re looking to save all the chads and displace all the small craft farms hooray


Same laws when it comes to solvents it s eu regulated
As for corruption now that’s better fixed over there so might be the way to get things done

you guys have nothing nice to say to me about anything.

i guess i would be as bitter as you if i was uneducated and rode a drug addiction into a “craft” as well

Even if hemp was planted only to cleanup dirty soil it s a win for mankind


Yea to be honest I am more fond of @Realterpsmatter than any hemp farmer, any multi acre grower, any large scale manufacturer, any synthetic cannabinoid manufacturer etc.


Sure, then leave it at that

You’re a pompous toolbag. Suck a weiner sit and spin


r u mad bro?

Yea im mad. You are talking about destroying communities and calling the people that brought this plant to where it is today as drug addicts. You mock the idea that there is craft cannabis. This plant saved my life. I was able to become a man at 18 and pay my mom’s bills when she lost her job for reporting sexual harassment at work. I chose to break the law to sell pot to pay the bills. In doing so I made so much money we gave back to dying cancer patients, and other people who used cannabis to heal. I used cannabis to heal myself despite not having any detrimental illness. Sure it’s a drug but to call us addicts is fucking ridiculous. Id try not to act like you’re better than anyone on here because you think you have some great education. At the end of the day I’ll be in the cannabis industry for life and you can go back to working on more important things with your enzymes.


You clearly are :roll_eyes:


Said the self proclaimed uni educated man :joy::rofl::joy:


lmao congrats on using food dyes dog. u were begging me for my method yesterday. Think i would ever trust a 27 year old idiot like you.

Wasnt begging for shit told your ass to come at me with numbers if you wanted respect, then you botched and moaned and said I had to apologize to you, which I didn’t because I stand by my statement, which is nut up or shut up point. blank. period.




@Co2purist : There is something I don’t really get. Has to do with economics.
Obviously., if you have an enzyme…there has to be a bit of water involved, although not necessarily. Now for most the idea of ionic requirements, and pH adjustments
And bits of detergent here and there…are not really anything but standard biochem.
Here people do not think water soluble or how to get there. But I don’t think you engineered this enzyme. If my memory serves me, the was a paper a while back concerning a carboxylation enzyme that could be run in reverse.
But…the greater question, why recarboxylation? The material in the field is already
Carboxylated, unless you fuck it up because you don’t know how to work with the acids, it is and will remain carboxylated.
Is you market strategy to find those who have large amounts old hemp in warehouse and silos…their material is partially decarbed and they want to recarboxylation? Most of those people have written the losses off and are on to the next crop.

If you are pitching your process and SOP and initial “active material”…(and the knowledge of the bio process to make more),
Why don’t you just come out and give us all some numbers….about
Not that it “works works”…”but how the numbers work economically”….
Remember in a calendar year the HEMP farmers can over flood the market
With raw chem stock in a single year…the 2018-2019 market in the USA
Clearly showed that potential. So first off what numbers do you see for the
Demand in the CBDA market global and then when looking in old storage silos,
How do you see your “marketable product” working on the economic scale.?

In three months there will be more CBDA in the pots of America than anybody needs. So why buy your product…when you can just plant a field, wait 10-12 weeks and you are back in the CBDA business?

Having given large scale some thought…is it really worth going after those old cannabinoids…even if your only extraction expense was water?
It is all a numbers game, and market value?

So there is “works works” which you guarantee…good…and then there
Is ‘works economically” which you really have no control over…



I resemble this remark, but never bitter. Continued education can be done in many ways besides paying a University.

Egotism isn’t helping you sell your enzymes, but I’m sure you can figure that out once you calm down. Not jumping into the ring to get swung at


I already made my money. This is just entertainment at this point, while serious offers keep flooding in and you guys continually make yourselves look like the idiots you are.

One foot in the grave one foot in the burnward doesn’t fly with my clientele.

You call this begging :joy::rofl::joy: I think your actually delusional


For a self proclaimed genius. Your grammer is awful, makes me think your full of it.