Recarboxylation Method: CBDA, CBGA Converted cannabinoids method

I dont understand the point of all this when thc and thca has already crashed in price and there aren’t enough sales to make up for the volume of oil on the market as is. Just wait til @Realterpsmatter gets in here and hears about turning boof into gold like rumpledforeskin


Seriously at no time is the solvent near bp
Solvent used is methanol
Even if you wish to make the reagent yourself it only takes pure magnesium blocks
The h2 created is at no time more than 7 liters per minute
On 10 kg batches how is this more dangerous
Than any simple rxn
I belong to that 99.999 group you mention
Not a clue of what I do
But I am jamming out 50 kg a week with no more than 6k in gear cost


There are so many things wrong with what you just said.

Mg is highly flammable

H2 is a hydrogen bomb

Any solvent we use in concentrations of 0.9 to 8.5% go BOOM when they get the chance
It s a dangerous trade comes at a price
As @rocksteady so beautifully described
One foot in the grave one foot in the Burnward
And probably the main reason I am hooked to this place
Push your limits and boundaries develop one s art and cover each member their backs with the best advise possible for safety

Again we love what we do it s not only the $ that makes us move


#1 @Co2purist may be on to something…in his synthetic method.
There may well be ecofriendly methods of recarboxylation…perhaps based on
Kolbes’s method. But the time and energy to work out prep scale….may well be worth the 1000 bucks… easily.


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I am sorry you where right the sop is in the paper

Oh i thought you were already doing this at 50kg a week? Poser.

You are the reason people will literally die handling solvents they dont understand.

:joy::joy::joy::joy: @RockSteady , @cyclopath And @moronnabis know how I am preforming the 50 kg a week and it s not this
But this works in low 45-60% yield
I don t need to your applause yust relax


When you need a fuge like I do to get your crystals out of the mother liqueur give me a call i ll get you gooing :joy::joy::joy:


Again your tech is probably great
Any tech concerning cannabinoids I welcome
Your price tag might be good for some
Steep for others
But that’s up to your clientele I don t sell
Shit I am on a different continent and I wish you well
But at the same time I like to inform all that the accitic noids are ready to dive (I hate it but it s a fact )


What was it before 1mil?

Wrong! It’s cause you’re selling a service for a million dollars with an NDA and not providing anything to back up your work.

You’re getting trolled right now cause we’ve seen some NDA sales pitches and yours seems like it’s bullshit till we see a COA at the very least.

Like shit man, if you can provide something without throwing breadcrumbs at how your tek works you’re fine.

and of course… a meme


@Killa12345 echo chamber this shit or what?

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if your enzymes are soooo complicated to make, doesn’t that then become the scale limiting factor of the method??? im sure you only need a fraction of a percentage or two by weight, but if a lab runs out their reagents they have to go back to you for more ???
For you that’s a killer business model, but in actual production environments (which it seems you are unfamiliar with, a university lab is NOT a production environment. ask me how i know this) most facilities are going to shy away from such things. Especially with a mil put down on just the knowledge. wish ya the best but with no public proof, a toxic attitude, more questions then answers, and death spiral market conditions your going to have a tough time.

step down off your high horse and join the rest of us, you stand a better chance of success. wish you the best.


you guys are idiots.

i fly out with a test tube that becomes a bioreactor.

anyone who listens to you doesnt care if their lab is going to explode.

This made cringe because safety is everyone’s number one priority here at future4200, if not it’s high priority.

Making sure people don’t explode is what you see on future4200 all the time… well a lot

Respectfully, go fuck yourself


Coa or it didn’t happen

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if a lab just cant order reagents from sigma or whoever they arent going to be interested. you can not put a mil down on tek and then just hope some random dude from the internet sends you reagents every month. (at exorberant rates too probably) no business owner in his right mind would let so much cash float on a supply chain that’s just a single dude making magical sauce in his uni lab.


anyone from glg care to critique this garbagé without any proof?

Doesn’t surprise me at all. Ppl process trash…turn diarrehea into what APPEARS to be “gold”
Tastes like NOT cannabis.

The end consumer is IGNORANT and apathetic…hence all the weird synthetics and ofcourse REPLICAS. (Fake CDT sucks, CRC SUCKS w/e that cbd thing is prob sucks too lol)

All this crazy tech is motivated by deceiving the consumer. “How can we turn the worst material into something that will sell?”
Trips me out…IF ppl made high quality stuff they’d prob make 10x the money…and wouldn’t feel like trippe and his friends at night. Found this pic of him earlier today.

Everyone who scams is wack. Idk if trippe scams anyone or not…but if the shoe fits I think your a whore. :grin: