Recarboxylation Method: CBDA, CBGA Converted cannabinoids method

Honestly I ll get you some picks of the tools needed but basically THE PANDA is back


So you think you can run a heat exchanger to boil high bp solvents for less than $5/kg? Some things dont even need debunking.
I would be too scared to sell my methods for money if I was you too.

Dude wake up
I m wish you well I realy do but you should realize that laws of nature are laws
And implementing them wisely can make a world of a difrance
I work in area s where 3 amp s of power is a fantastic location
Anyway no need to clog your tread
As for crisper and the 0.001 % you think is capable of sop of this kind stick around and be nice and you might get to encounter the beautiful minds of this forum
There is way more talent here than on any university shit @cyclopath might be a bit rusty
As of late but given the tools he could crisper
The hell out of anything don t
Underestimate the 99.999% :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Show me a cannabis lab that has CRISPR and ill believe u. Tell then there are strict limits on pursuing this science prohibitive by the insane cost of such equipment. Its just not a cost effective investment to buy CRISPR equipment when u r making ur money selling kilos. Leave this stuff to the big boys.

Donā€™t take it personal. Its not a matter of intellectual ability, but rather access to expensive equipment that no one in cannabis would ever be able to justify investing in.

For those of you looking to vet a biosynthetic solution this is what you should be looking for.

I don t no worry s
As for crisper and the likes yes some European company s are implementing althou I must admit there core business is crop seeds and cannabis is yust another crop that can be tweaked

And none of them are producing the enzymes I have.

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No not that I know so your the go to guy at the moment and it s a fantastic art you are offering
But personally I don t think it makes sense for a molecule so abundant and easy to extract in pure form

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So if nobody is capable of actually replicating your work, either from lack of intellectual acumen or access to high $$$ gene-editing equipmentā€¦ why do you still need the NDA?


Its been useful for the people who are sitting on cbd with no place for it to go, and there is still much to be gained in price point from neutral to acid form.

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If you have a problem with a simple NDA then good luck to you good sir.

I like to be transparent and show the whole process. An NDA for a free demo is more than fair in my book. Any other stupid questions?

Why Donā€™t 4200 people use
Patented recarboxylation method.?

Google CBDA methyl Ester 2019ā€¦

Wtf is wrong with you listening to this bullshit.


Well suited name moronnabis

.1g of that stuff will kill a person.

Resorting to misinformation and misdirection?

You actually think there are LD 50 values available for cbda methyl ester?

In this patent which you must be familiar with
Is their labs standard proceedure to recarboxylation of neutral cannabinoids back to cannabinoates. Step one .

If I remember correctly the recarboxlation step/procedure was described in two short sentences.

Why donā€™t you peddle that bull shit over on reddit.

Thereā€™s a reason why he only did 1.5mL of it in that rxn and you should not be advising people to work with the solvents he used in qty.

They are prohibitively expensive to the point that the method does not work and you will kill somebody working with those chemicals in the process.

It is not the methyl ester that is toxic, but the reagents you are haphazardly recommending are.

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Well why havenā€™t you disclosed this earlier?
If you are providing a method that recarboxylates and produces a FDA approved food productā€¦
Let us knowā€¦please advise.

16 shots of alcohol is generally considered a lethal dose.

Good luckā€¦

You need to be careful what you put out there buddy youā€™re going to hurt someone.

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Wrong paper :grin:
Happens when you have them ALL
Wish I had a copy of your hard drive :grin:
But the one you need is where magnesium methylate is used as reagent
And then preform it DRY
This will get you in the crystelization % low side


Again, please stop suggesting methods that are extremely dangerous. This is the equivalent of putting out open blasting methods years ago.

Youā€™re in over your head and your suggestions are going to get someone hurt.