Recarboxylation Method: CBDA, CBGA Converted cannabinoids method

Just so we’re clear. You have no fame to defame.


Cool sound great now let’s actually talk, get a time setup with @moveweight to get on initial zoom meeting to get NDA figured out and a timeframe to get you in the lab

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just so everyone knows this is what you get for not being a part of the GLG on future. Pay the mob or get trolled.

??? What does this have to do with GLG?

You chose me as a target when I was supportive in commentary, how’s that working for you?

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Show me you’re not wasting my time like 6 months ago. You wanted a commission and I didn’t want u to hold up my sale.

I didn’t mean to reply to your post on the last message tho.

My lawyers have advised me not to do business with gangs, mobs, or the like.

I am highly educated biophysicist. I dont do business with jackals. Approach me with respect and you will get it. The people on this site got their education by blowing their eyebrows off open blasting and by paying their mob dues. I got mine busting my ass at top universities, working 80hr weeks researching.

wooktech<<<<graduate level education

I have asked a couple of my customers to post their success on here. Out of curiosity much do i have to pay GLG so they dont attack every thread i post?

The forum isn’t owned by the GLG.
GLG members are as capable as you on this forum.
You’d find the same level or worse from Facebook groups, reddit forums. Might I suggest we all focus back on what matters. Daylight is out.

I’m not a GLG member.


I never said they owned it, but you just proved my point.

Show me a GLG enzymatic conversion method?

Anyone in GLG with a biophysics degree?

There’s a lot of talents here. Don’t sell yourself short thinking it’s just gangsters and open blasters hahaha


Theres techniques you can figure out in a cannabis lab and there’s techniques you’re only going to learn in university.

Bioengineering enzymes is one of those, mainly due to the constraints of equipment. I have yet to find any gene editing equipment in the hands of a “cannabis chemist” as you like to call yourselves. It wouldn’t make sense for a vape company to shell out over a mil for the instruments it took to develop this.

I’m a Highly trained college educated chemist that came from the private medical contracting sector aka BIG BOY MONEY, this has nothing to do with anything then dollars, you want to make money great we can do that no problem you want me to respect you? earn it with statistics and hard data :+1: my offer stands get something set via zoom get basic NDA taken care of and move forward with hard data and proof of concept and ROI


Lmao an undergrad degree cute.

They let u play w CRISPR too? didn’t think so…

This tech is at a level far above what 99.999% of people on this forum are capable of.

Purely due to constraints on the equipment needed to develop.

You’re not going to get access to gene editing equipment unless you’re a graduate biophysicist and most of us have much bigger fish to fry than cannabis. I developed this years ago when i was working on rubisco for other reasons and found a few structural modifications could reverse the degradation processes of decarboxylation in weed.

Unless you have access to mrna, gene editing, and crispr techniques and YEARS of selective breeding you’re not going to achieve these enzymes.


It s interesting to hear you talking
But fact is the tech is to complicated and expensive for a molucule that s there already in abundance
Soon the methods I am implementing will be common knowledge
And at reagent cost of less than 5$ per kg

I s extremely hard to beat And since it s fool proof extremely hard to fuck up
Not sure if the members with who I have shared this knowlidge have tried it yet but if they have they should be able to confirm
That the price off the -a will drop as soon as this is wide spread knowlidge
So to who ever spend your money wisely
And don t forget @onemadalchemist is offering a sop with the same end results
At a far beter price


If this were true the price would have already crashed and you would have sold your method for big bucks like me when it was a hot topic 6 months ago.

You can’t even run a chiller for $5/kg

Nope I don t sell I trade or give for free
Happy in my poverty


That’s the blast you don t even need a chiller if you choose to work with high bp solvents