I’m required to tell you that that looks good enough to sample. As such, you should send me a sample so I can double check the quality on behalf of Science.
You don’t win anything, but you get the chance to get me stoned!
Terp sauce can be sourced anywhere and added to these beautiful diamonds. Pure THCa isn’t supposed to have a taste.
One year ago I was making sugar. After researching tons of threads on here and going down the willbilly rabbit hole, I am getting dialed in on defined crystals that don’t get stuck to the sides. Time to clean up the extract and go larger scale. @TheWillBilly and @Waxplug1 and @Diamondalchemy’s bread crumbs on here and Instagram can teach you everything you need
Nice looking product my friend and great variety!
Would you share a little about your process? Maybe even something in depth if its already written up somewhere else on the site.
Holy shit…
He must have been very happy with the result.
Id pay to come learn from you. Can you point me towards some reading material on your technique (s) do you ever video and post anything? If not, you should consider it.
I’ve dropped my 2cents here and there. I think you can see everything ones posted if you look at the profile? I’m willing to consult also, as well as many other great extractors on this platform.
So you’re not going to tell me everything that you learned through time and trial and error for free?
For Shame…
(Just kidding obviously)
You best pay this Man! It’s amazing things money can buy! Like literally the ability to make untold multiples of the initial investment!
It’s always cool when I get the opportunity to do whatever I want. I love getting the crude and just thinking of what product to do with it.
Right on. I only asked because I know this forum is all about sharing information. That said, in NO way do I expect anyone to hand me anything on a silver platter. Butttt… my father taught me If you don’t ask, you wont get anything. Im gonna go back and read through your posts!
Lets talk about what your consultation fees look like… PM sent
Here’s 3 different threads, and the search results for only the word diamonds in it. The first thread is where you should be able to get allot of the information. But the things is, it isn’t all about knowing what to do, it’s actually garnering the experience and time in practice. When you pay someone to consult for you, that’s what you’re paying for. Not the information, but the fine details that require actually performing the task multiple times to ensure you receive a particular outcome. So just remember that, you’re not paying for the information, you’re paying for the experience!
Mahalo. I’ll read put those on the reading list.
I’d have to agree, experience is the best way to learn. Mistakes are how I learned the most in life…
For the record; Pentane is the 5 carbon hydrocarbon that comes after butane (C4) and before hexane (C6)…so the “or” makes zero sense.
Yeah I meant to say “other” hydrocarbons… as in butane… or possibly hexane, heptane… I know a few others have been playing around with other hydrocarbons and alkanes with decent results. I’ve personally done both pentane and butane but truly meant to say other hydrocarbons…
For example: I’ve seen j12, diamond alchemy and others many, many others rex in pentane. Mellow labs does a great job of recrystallizing in butane… 710st posted some stuff on his page that was clearly a reX. Hinting that he was using solvents other than pentane to do a recrystallization.