What is the best hydrocarbon on the market?

Hi guys I was wondering what you guys consider to be the best hydrocarbon on the market .
I have heard amazing things of puretane and blueflame but still, I wanted to asked you guys (the true experts and veterans of extraction) before I made a decision and went ahead with buying in bulk.
Thanks for you inputs and feel free to list the pros and cons of your preferred weapon of choice.
Stay blessed guys :smile:

Blue flame makes a pretty decent steak :cut_of_meat:

I’d stick with reputable hydrocarbon companies that are aware of where the hydrocarbons are being used so that they are properly purified.

Lol I thought you meant blue rhino, either way open blasting is hard to purify because you can’t distill prior to use.


I like hectane…who wouldn’t love 100 Carbons?

although dotetracontane might be the ultimate answer to life the universe, and everything.


Have you heard of puretane? its been recommended to me by like 20 people and its easily accessible to me I don’t know where I could get hectane in my area I’m in QC Canada.

Omg @alt_tabs808 dude cmon read the forum. Your posts are too basic and you only have 4hrs read time. We have answered this many times please study the forum before you actually practice anything your trying to do. I’d hate for you to end up like the two dudes in New Mexico that are in critical condition right now… please, study, and stop making overly redundant threads.



What does this mean in lamenz


you are right and I do apologize for this. I wasn’t planning on doing an extraction until April 2021 at the least when I can get a good friend of mine to show me the ropes (he has been extracting for 6 years now)
He is in Ghana right now helping setup a legal grow and extraction operation.
So I’ve been trying to learn as much as I can as fast as possible. I wasn’t aware that it was rude just create a post to get my answers. Do you know what threads I should be looking at to get all that basic knowledge .

42 carbons, all in a row
heat that shit up, and rub it on Hoe!

with a MP of 86C, it means one needs to get ones dotetracontane quite warm before it rubs the lotion on it’s skin

each of those vertices represents one of the 42 carbons.
the 86 hydrogens are “assumed” in this representation.


starting with solvent brand is not the correct move.
avoid advice from anyone who thinks it is.

step one.
define a hydrocarbon.

then figure out which one you’re gonna use (hint: start with butane. it’s more forgiving). then start reading. using the search bar to answer questions. not just reading the hit, but the threads, and those linked. until you have clarifying questions or feel you’ve got a question nobody has ever asked (hint: there are very few new questions).

or if you’ve got months. start with ethanol. which you can use in a standard CLS instead of a light hydrocarbon. just requires a little thought, and some more heat (folks actually sell systems with that listed as a feature these days).


no, there is no easy to assimilate “how do I make a pipe bomb at home” to be found around here…but here is a huge community of very knowledgeable folks who are willing to help all those who are compelled to put the cannabis in the tube because it makes medicine.


I like hexane. It’s the angriest.


Angrier than pentane? That’s my favorite angry hydrocarbon


pentane is like lazily angry. “I want to be the biggest baddest mofo of an alkane but I just can’t handle all this damn THCa!”



Lol… I think they’re looking for Butane. They want to know the best Butane to blast with that’s clean. Look most people are going to tell you to distill your Butane ANYWAY. But from what I’ve read, Puretane has very little residuals after testing and Whip It 5x Premium fractionally lower. By the sounds of things your runs are tiny so you shouldn’t have an issue.

Your method from this point is completely up to you and your reading. Open blasting is dangerous. There are reasons people get all uppity about it no matter how much you try to convince them it’s fine because some poor shmoe will read it’s fine, not have the same environment as you and kablamo.

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The Puretane that I tested had considerably more mystery oil than Instrument Grade 99.95% LPG, which is what I recommend. It actually measures 99.99% and after re-distillation measures 99.998% pure.


Shit I read a report on Skunkpharm website with testing numbers that came out fairly low. I mean in the lowest ranges. I must be mistaken…

I thought the answer to life was 42.


who’s counting?

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Life, the universe, and everything

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