What is the best hydrocarbon on the market?

Mystery oil with no opinion just facts
Cleaning up Butane/Propane

Had to look it up myself lol


It’s 46 and 2.

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Dont use the kind you fill you torch with.

They contain benzene, xylene and toluene which are all carcinogenic

Use the big bottles from airgas etc

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lmao best hydrocarbon? Dodecane, final answer.

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Puretane is where it’s at for open blast.

I’ve tried vector, whip-it 420, capital-n butane, ronson, some Chinese fleet market stuff that was loaded with odorants and all those sucked ass for open blast.

As soon as I hit Puretane I found my go-to.

I mix whip it with puretane for cls but if and when I ever decide to do any kind of open blasting with a hydrocarbon, I go puretane.

But have you tried newport



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Lower than many, but not as clean as Instrument Grade. Here is an archive link to the SPR article and one to IC Mag, where Skyhighler did a best to worst comparison of more brands than we did.

Keep in mind that the standards for lighter fuel are different and can change without notice.

[BHO Mystery Oil | Skunk Pharm Research LLC]



Ah that was the research I was reading (Skunkpharm) when trying to find out more info about the residuals. While I wholeheartedly agree there are cleaner options, the quantities I would need are just too small. I am just crafting things at home. If I open blast it would be no more than a can. Hence why I look for things available via retail haha and try to come to a compromise in my mind