The trick is to go in circles until you get it right (Buddhist style )
Very few do…
See: Opaline Silica Thread - #376 by Photon_noir
It uses less media, and you can stop when you achieve your desired endpoint. Unless you overwhelm your media, in which case you need a second column you can switch to on the fly…
I found that test swatches where handy…
as it happens, I batch CRC’ed the output from 20 runs today…used three 5.2kg bags of dirt.
this version which @Photon_noir shared over in the Opaline Silica Thread somewhere shows a 6x48 CRC that we used for 5-8 runs before refreshing the media.
My current batch CRC uses two such 6x48’s so I can switch between them (so I always have a fresh bag of dirt on hand)…
I can’t share an SOP, mainly because I’ve not performed this trick twice the same way yet. Melting stuff down to CRC sucks. muc…
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