Newbie. With passive recovery :(


Posted around here repeatedly.

One more time seems appropriate.

Stolen from Propane Butane Mixture - Evaporation Pressure

There is also a link upthread to Butane - Thermophysical Properties


yeah we literally said it already. butane chases cold. deep freeze one of the tanks and heat up the other.

however honestly man, i would find a different lane, you are exactly the type of dude that ends up on the news…

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Then op needs a decent source for dry ice.

OP can still learn and get this down we shouldn’t discourage the want to extract but we should also not encourage performing extraction without knowing what the hell is going on. So the thread OP made was to gain a better grasp on the topic and/or action…

That’s part of posting on this forum, is to ask questions, yes it’s annoying that some (if not most) of the answers are already on the forum and it takes effort using the search bar but this is also a forum where people come to learn…


Thank you everyone.


How long does it normally take to purge in the oven? I tried on my first batch and it turn out very dark. I want the golden color so I feel safe smoking it lol.

First my collection was yellow and watery so I kind of use a hot plate to boil of the solvent. After a few times it got thicken and turn into a brownish color when I stir it. Then I put in the oven it look golden when it puff up and I had the temperature up to 115f and vacuums. Next day It turn hard and with a dark color. Is this normal? I’m trying to get a cleaner color for my peace of mind.

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Run though your column don’t soak. if you’re using n-butane use 86.6f for your recovery bath and keep your tank on dry ice and isopropyl or denatured alcohol.
Don’t stir your stuff before you put it into the oven unless you want crumble.

Your oven temp is too high. You should also stage your purge to reduce muffin/Go up to -15Hg stop let it sit until it goes down, then release the vacuum slowly and do it again to -20Hg and repeat until you’re at -30Hg.

Your oven temp should be 86.6f - 98.6f and don’t confuse this with the oven needs to be at the same temp as your recovery was.

Keep your slab in the oven for 24 hours before you flip your slab. Then, flip your slab every 12 hours and at a minimal you can go 3 1/2 days in the oven and at max with more clarity but less terps a whole week.

Purging every 6 hours and flipping on a 3 1/2 day schedule works too but is a little over the top and you lose flavor.

and this video is again the gold standard for instructions on flipping your slab

filters matter too so you should at a minimum go 120um under your material and then have a small 1x2 spool with 2 5um filters

at least that’s how I would do it.

I guess yellow is subjective because of material quality and because crc is a thing. I never used a crc just gasket filters because I was just doing personal use 1# runs.


CONCEPTUAL as in, I am glad you brought the subject up…

Think anion chemistry of THCA:

The mono-anion of salicylic acid, 1, offers an opportunity to examine systematically this type of H-bonding in a model system. Structurally, the phenolic-OH group spontaneously couples intramolecularly to the adjacent oxyanionic car- boxylate group in an appropriate coplanar array. The interatomic gap between these oxygen atoms is held to a distance of 2.5 AÊ according to crystallographic evidence,6 due to the rigidity of the interconnecting molecular framework. That spacing satisfactorily falls within the range characterized as yielding more sym- metrical H-bonds. Although phenol itself is considerably less prone to ionization than is a carboxylic acid, sub- stituents placed on the aromatic ring are capable of increas- ing phenolic acidity to the range of benzoic acid 􏰀which is itself not so susceptible to pKa-perturbation by aryl sub- stituents). Hence, the stipulations for a LBHB may be realized in substituted salicylate mono-anions,



Those this look normal? Lol

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Yes that’s a muffin.

How long has that been in the oven

How much cfm is your oven and how much cfm can your vacuum pump pull? you may have gotten it to muffin up a bit too much and it hardens up or snowflakes after the muffin bursts and you’ll have to clean your oven thoroughly afterwards because of the bits of hash oil that’s stuck to the oven cause of the flakes that burst from the muffin.

If you’re using a strong pump on a small area you need to control your pump so it doesn’t over pull, vacuum ovens usually have a control knob to control the vacuum so that even if you are using a strong pump you can slowly control your purge.

A strong pump on a small area is another reason why you want to stage your purge but I recommend doing that regardless of pump strength and use of the vacuum control knob.

No worries though it will melt down you might have effected the consistency a little bit but that’s for time to determine. either way it’s now all a waiting game.

yes muffin-ing is normal


This was my og journey building a cls

I recommend you read that

lots of good shit

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I believe the max is 1cfm. I have very cheap pump. It take about 40 minute for my pump to vacuum my extract to reach -30. Hopefully it turn out good. It’s my last batch till fall again. I have my oven temperature set at 90f

Never mind about what I was gonna say if it’s your last batch till fall

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So my girl was asking if we can turn some of them into juice fill our cart and be more convenient on the go. Is there a ratio or material that I need to mix with? I have been watching a few videos and they’re saying thing about winterize. How do I winterize the shatter? Lol sorry a lot of question and thank you

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You don’t turn shatter to juice for carts. You need a certain consistency for carts and you are not there yet

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I was watching this. What you guys think?

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Don’t use that garbage


Strangely enough, the subject of making carts has been explored pretty damn thoroughly around here.

Unlike the pipe bomb you’ve been playing with, filling carts generally doesn’t kill people (seems it has though) so folks are more willing to share.

Please do some reading before destroying your hard work with “liquidizer”.

Maybe start here: Search results for 'Shatter cart' - Future4200