purge theory

what are your thoughts and why.

run pump full time?
run down to full vac then turn off?
hold at specific vav?
optional temp. 90f?
flipping, how often


You definitely don’t want to run your pump full time. Most rotary vane pumps aren’t meant to be left on aaalll day and night. If you were to do this, one mmmmm should change their oil very frequently.

Run pump till it’s vac depth is pulled. My dry scroll takes a while to get to full vac, so I let it run for a little bit. An Edward’s would rip down really fast and wouldn’t have to run so long.

Full vac depending on when you put it in the oven.

Depending on the concentrate. I’ve had certain strains do that silly honeycomb shatter at 89 and have to go well into the 90s for it to flatten out into a normal slab

I tend to flip once a day. Reaaally. You can get away with it only flipping once. It will pull everything out except what’s just on the paper side. That one flip will take the last out. But I still like to flip, so I do. It’s calming and pleasing.


what do you guys think about 70 to 80f.
would it take longer to purge and time/vac ratio work for terp retention.
longer its in over the more terps are pulled by vac and temp


I can’t imagine purging at 70 that’s below room temp I’d need a cooling function on my oven

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i can set my room temp. nvr thought that would be above roomtemp

82-87 depending on stability of slab is good. I wonder if going low on the really terpy ones or frozen slabs may slow down sugaring.


i waz thinking it would cause sugaring

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Some strains are more flexible and purge anywhere from 80-100 80 being on the slower side . Some strains few degree make a big difference and also the amount of time the slab is in the oven . The thickness of slab vs heat and vacuum depth used. Also some oven say they at 90 when they are at 100. So best to know what your running and do few r&d samples and try different purge sop. Also for me I’ve had different results when filling the oven every shelf vs when there is just two slabs inside . Also notice the shelf on the top and bottom get hotter so if you have a sensitive heat strain maybe keep it more to middle and not have oil creepin the side of oven or you going to have nuclearizan sites in my experience at least. Some swear to 100f every strain but If i did that some would be just go and loose there structure

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By oil creepin on side I mean pour to big of a slab the oil on parchment is bending and touching the side of oven


Ive ben dewaxing most recent runs and feel that the best tempertaure is about 74-75°f. After about 5 minutes pump running my oven gets down to -27,-30 hg. glass sheets that seem to only happen with bud runs purge fast, about 2 days with 1 flip after 24 hours… the 2nd wash stuff thats more waxy,lipidy, or the runs i go for yield only by heating tank and no dewax sleeve take about 3 to 4 days with multiple flips. Still have never cranked the over above 70’s.


Ive ran about 6 different breeds this way and they all seem to turn out this way. They seem to stay in stable shatterlike form even left out at air temp for weeks and weeks, but usually leave in fridge


I usually go 99.0°F - 99.9°F all the way thru @29.8hg-29.9hg for 3 days with a flip every 12 hours. Look up the Brett maverick video of how to flip your slab if you are unsure.


why so high of temps

Idk, I just got a great result off of the 90°-99° range one time and then went with it ever since, tbh.

I read in the Beyond the Buds book that 86°F - 89°F is ideal and then to bump it up 5°-10° if it’s stable enough. It also says that the first flip shouldn’t be before 24 hours.

So I also figure modifying that recipe to 98.6°F and to flip every 12 hours will work. For me it does.


have you tried lower temps, i been running at 90 for a long time. running pump atfull vac the entire time flipping every 12 to 24.

i think by not flipping you can preserve more terps. im not sure though. i just noticed the underside is always smells alot stronger than the top

I’m not worried about terpene retention as much as I am consistency and stability.

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I want to say it’s stronger on the other side because it still has undesirables trapped on the other side. But I am 88% unsure if that’s always the case if you never flip your slab.

Try 90* then flip as soon as activity slows. Throw it on some DI for 20min, throw it back in the oven and vac down. Repeat until desired stability is achieved.


What are your thoughts on products where you are retaining all the terps? My pumps get my ovens down to 25 in. HG but I don’t usually take them past 24.6 then close it off, I don’t like going over 82fF when purging either.


What pump are you running? I run a 12cfm 2 stage rotary vane gets my 0.9 cu ft oven to -29Hg in a minute and a half.