New to closed Loop: Zero solvent flow? Diptube?!?

So ive put the beast in ice (not dry ice cause it not really avaible where i live , unless i make it with extinctor)

Ive done a full vaccum inside the beast before I start doing anything (-30)
I connected the valve from the BVV butane tank to the top and opened it. Pressure went higher but didnt see any liquid butane goes in. I also have a tank scale and it didnt move that much.

So i put some hot water under my tank and I got 3LB of butane that went inside my column. (it supposed to contain 10) …after the 3 LB nothing…

Ill post a video of the butane that goes in…it was way too slow i think

also at the end I started to have some butane in my reservoir but it was clear …without oil in it…

Soooo i guess i messed up at a few place

Tip your bvv tank upside down (not saying this is a best practice) lol

Those tanks don’t have a dipstick, the knob the do have is a vapor port.

Putting the tank in hot water just filled your column full of gas. And then what is in your collection is recondensing due to it being in/on ice.


lol yea butane is going out now …lol your a genious…


Is it gonna be the same with my recovery tank ?

I have that one #50

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Recovery tank has a diptube

Another member was having a similar issue last week in this thread No return?!


This makes three!!

Why my bomb no workie?

Requires dipstick…

Edit: #%%< sorry. Diptube!

Cross linked to No return!? and DIY Closed Loop Extractor


Can I suggest doing this outside ?


I second this. Props on the exhaust fan, butttt…while learning your system (and this entire process) I would recommend working in outside or in somewhere with no sources of ignition.


And no, I’m just a guy that sits on future4200 reading (and participating in conversations when I feel I can contribute) all day…


Believe or not, that’s something a lot of people have done.

Also, until you get a n2 tank you’ll need to have a temp differential, the solvent wants to move to the coldest spot.

You’re fighting vapor pressure, that’s why the gas isn’t flowing.


I would love to…but I cant … :frowning:

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Ive seen multiple implementations of “turn the 100lb tank upside down”. Only one that looked even remotely safe…but giving your girls the vapors just doesn’t get the job done :wink:


I bough a ignition and explosion free exhaust fan 12 inch…in case of a gas leak …but yeah …I know doing it outside would be the best but right now I cant …

Im building a new place for this during the winter and ill have the perfect place for it in like 4 month


Your fan will not save your life pal. Try to get all electrical plugs out of your room.

I do like the floor. Better than carpet.


You should at the very least ground your system and keep a couple extinguishers close by.

Forget this…lol ( not the post above )
I deleted what i wrote because i’m cretinous.


hahaha XD

And that means Don’t put extract on your stove


I JUST READ THE FIRST POST IN THAT THREAD :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I cant believe some peoples logic … " We were open blasting out side, we brought the collection dish inside and almost burnt the house down "
So… To prevent this from happening again, We now " Open blast inside the house "
I assume this person hasn’t posted for a while ?? :joy:


I feel not that bad after all , glad i can compare

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