No return!?

Hey guys I did my first run last night I got a smoking deal on some gear so not new but new to me. It came with some old gas that was in a yellow tank I ran it in dry Cullum to see if any residual rust or anything came out as I’ve read the tanks rust. Essentially distilled the products seemed fine so i tried to do a inline dexwax. Columns have valves between took forever to get butane to go through after 3 hours I added a bit of warm water to the holding tank and got it through the Column got most of it out but no color an reclaimed butane and left nothing. This was a 2lb run I dont know if it all turned to gas as going through column or it was not enough gas or what happen. Help please.

When you recovered did you recover cold?

Did they give you the material along with the system? Lol.


Also, butane shouldn’t be yellow. You should to run a solvent remediation procedure before using that butsne again.

It was in a yellow carbon steel tank


Missed that big time. How many gallon capacity is your solvent tank? How much butane did you end up with after extraction?


Lol no was my material and yes I used dry ice for recovery pot and then I had a full size 3x36
jacketed column to dewax in that was half full of dry ice to dewax. My material was in a 3x36 jacketed column as well. I only had a small amount of tane it was about 2 inches up in my 12 inch collection pot. I think mabey it was nowhere near enough bit still thought something should come out? Its all inline with 2 inch ball valves was a struggle to say the least all for not.

Sounds like maybe some solvent was held up in the dewax column. You want your recovery pot to be the coldest part of your system to coax the butane vapor in that direction.

Still tho, something should have been left after evaporation.


I honestly feel like we just need more details here. I’m having trouble picturing a system that runs 2lbs of biomass with 2" ball valves on it, but that’s the least of the details.

Are you running passive or active?

How was your material stored?

Was your jacketed material column running cold? If yes, how cold?

How long did you dewax for?

Before any of that… did you vacuum down your entire system, except the solvent tank that already had butane in it?

Are you sure you got all butane out of your solvent tank? If so, how are you sure?

Right now we’re really just poking around in the dark.

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From what I saw I had recollected most of the tane cause it was near the same level it was through the distillation process. No oil in the dewax column only thing I didnt do is unpack the material column.

Lol did you use the vapor port on the tank?

I can’t see how you had 2 inches of liquid gas in the collection and nothing left behind unless it just passed through quick as a vapor and condensed in the collection.


yes fresher material nice smell. Not sure how cold was just dry ice no alchohal. Material column had no ice on it. Dewaxed an hour but there was still tane in the bottle till I added heat to it. Then I added heat to material column to push into dewax. Only passive. An yes I absolutely vac down most important step.

I used the blue valve on the bottle was assuming this was the one with tube and only on we need to use? I feel it went through as gas to.

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and that’s the detail…

The win goes to @WhereAreTheStones !!

Red valve is liquid, blue valve is vapor.


It seems like you may have hooked into a vapor port on your solvent tank. Another possibility is that your solvent was evaporating in your material column and the vapor was condensing in the collection due to being chilled under dry ice.

Make sure you are hooked into a liquid port on your solvent tank and use some dry ice in your sleeved columns to ensure your solvent stays in a liquid state. The only other explanation I can think of is that you are running spent material.


Omfg you guys are awesome that is so ridiculous such a minor but oh so important detail. So do I return my butane to my red line as well? Or do u guys use the blue line?


I like to also return on red because it sends the vapors through the cold liquid tane inside.


Reds vapor blues liquid unless it got swapped around

Which we have documented happening here before!!

Edit: …and seem to have confirmed above. Might get those two linked once I figure out where I’m sleeping tonight.


Great call @WhereAreTheStones

So his dewax really just re condensed his solvent…that’s funny shit (not for the person doing the run)