No return!?

Yes exactly what I thought i was accomplishing with the blue valve. I tried to Google this and got busy skipped by and made a bad assumption. I had about a 8ft tall extractor last night i have a ton of extra parts that came with this machine I gotta try and make this more efficient. Is it safe to post pics on this website? Mabey screenshot pics before posting to drop info.

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Depends on what you call safe lol

But I do it.

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pretty funny I agree but sucks wasted all my dry ice.

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Yeah, you should always post pics if you can and give as much detail as possible.

ok i will get a good pic and post here see if you guys have any suggestions.

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Just dont drop any location info if its like that.


Donā€™t unpack it, just run it again!


ya I figured I did it with gas so I didnt yet unpack. As you can see this thing is way to tall when its done but has to do till I get a smaller dewaxing column. There is some end caps and I have a couple hoses I was thinking of trying to seperate the material column with a hose?


You should look into rack or wall mounting. Keep in mind you wonā€™t have the same flow stepping down to a hose. Most people use a nitrogen assist.

Nitrogen assist assistance


N2 ftw

My system wouldnā€™t work without it haha


Just tying these ā€œvaporsā€ threads togetherā€¦

New to closed Loop: Zero solvent flow? Diptube?!?

DIY Closed Loop Extractor


Retrofit your system to nitrogen push and get a molsieve and a stainless solvent tank

just had me rack made
ā€¦Iā€™m like halfway there and trying to justify itā€™s good decision. but then thereā€™s another $400 in parts and so many questions. I only lb at time so is there need for bigger than 1/4" lines. they do just fine on my return. just shes so tall and top heavy esp w dewax material column and crc inlineā€¦idk trying to justify the 850$ for everything, rack made, parts to rack mount, and hangers for rack (which there out of)

idk maybe Iā€™ll be able to slow down my pass through the crc so thatā€™s plus.

Iā€™ve showed this pic ton but here it is again

almost thereā€¦but for now back to the old way things till everythingā€™s here


I know all about that struggle. Getting away from the top heavy system is worth it alone IMO.

You can run 1/4ā€ lines with nitro but it will definitely slow you down a bit. For a 1-2lb system that added time may not bother you too much. Iā€™d try a run with them and see how it compares to your usual process and then you can decide if itā€™s a priority for you or not.


Yes im trying to workout a rack system in my head here I have been reading this site an unhealthy amount trying to get through the crc thread. I went and got a bunch of parts and am just about to try and configure my system for nitro assist I got almost everything. Are the jic fittings all standard or is there stainless and non stainless? Do I need specific fittings? I picked up a 5u sintered disc and 3x8 column for inline crc b80 have w1 and crx sample on route. I want to get these separated somehow I feel @StoneD on this top heavy thing. I want to run both my columns stacked then into crc inline mounted onto my collection that would be 4lb bio per run. So that would be crc and collection together then hose to 2x 3x36 jacketed material columns thoughts? Iā€™m just am going through the struggle of getting my hands on the nitrogen rental also ordered the 1 micron filter sheet for tampontech and have slow and fast pre filters and plates for above sintered disc think im on the right road. Could use some direction on the sieve do I just buy parts and piece together? Seems cheaper when doing things this way. I will buy a couple more hoses soon i have a 2lb of nice flower i was about to run for a buddy was thinking just putting column on dry ice with butane in freezer over night then into iso/device in collection this sound good for good material. Doubt needs crc at all. Ughhh sorry for being long winded trying to make posts count alot of learning.

This is not correct. In Carbon steel tanks Red is ALWAYS your liquid/diptube line, blue is your vapor port. Red does seem like the logical decision for vapor but these tanks werenā€™t made for butane extractionā€¦

Iā€™ve run into BOTHā€¦


Oh really? Damn ok, Iā€™ve bought about 10 tanks over my years(all being mastercool or Manchester tanks) and every single one of those were red liquid blue vaporā€¦ definately not all tho my bad!

@StoneD inner diameter doesnā€™t matter with Nitro imo. You are pushing with Pressure no matter the diameter the psi will be the same; set by the regulator. Donā€™t see why people go bigger. Itā€™s not fact but I feel like all your doing with bigger lines is using more nitrogen and creating more counter pressure/ inert gas to off gas.


Yeah they sell both. I was under the impression that blue is traditionally for liquid. I never use carbon steel refrigerant tanks though. I just tried giving one away on here. Either way I didnā€™t need color coding to know the OP was using a vapor port lol


Iā€™ve seen tanks on ebay that had the reverse order but that seems janky af.