Mushroom extraction and psilocibine

What machine are you running?

well as far as co2 goes we’ve got an eden lab 20L
and then there’s a hand full of rotos and short paths

and for closed loops there’s a variety of systems. Ive got a Bizzy bee but could probably piece together a small test system from random parts ive got around the shop… parts from many different systems we’ve had over the years…

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I gotta ask: which Vancouver?

Bumping in case it’s near Portland…


Think it’s BC, so you’re looking at about five hours on the road.


I’ve done many things but 10 hours a day of commute hasn’t been one of them fortunately. Best of luck to candidates that make the cut!

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I think the Oregon boys are trying to get something rolling. Chime in.


Yes, Vancouver BC. But happy to collaborate remotely as well, in case you can help us.

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I’m not a doctor, you need a doctor :slight_smile: .

That being said, it’d be really cool to setup a time to talk on the phone just to be sure sometime when you aren’t swamped.

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Hey everyone. I’m new to this whole thing, but have been pouring through forums, web pages, papers etc. I’m enjoying the research, but not having a chemistry background (but willing to learn) it’s a bit overwhelming. Ultimately, what I’m looking for is a way to get reasonably accurate dosages for microdosing (and occasional trips). I’m hoping to end up with something that has a decent shelf life so I don’t need to make a batch from dried material more than once a month.

I was planning on going with the 200 proof ethanol tek, as it seemed the most straight forward, but it seems like the science doesn’t support this approach.

I’m wondering if there’s a “hobbyist” variant to the acetic acid tek that doesn’t require ammonium hydroxide, ether, or nitrogen; yet, will meet my objectives.

Also want to know if an ultrasonic cleaner would be useful, vs the lab quality devices. Most “consumer” cleaners are 40Khz, though I’ve found one on Amazon that also has a 20Khz setting. No idea what frequency is the best.



I got ahold of these. They are pretty fuckin awesome


These are equivalent to an 1/8th of mushrooms, correct? They aren’t 3.5g of Psilocybin ?

Its a trip that we are coming to a point where people are branding mushrooms.


I need some of that in my life! Like yesterday… Why can’t I find anything like this?


Each gummy is 0.14g for a total of 3.5g in each bag. Which would be a pretty good party.


Reach out to them


I’ve got some ideas on how to make them


I need to reach out to someone that I was talking to about this. He was saying that he might be able to send me a pressure cooker, and some other odds and ends to get started. It’s not from lack desire on my end. I’ve been reading about doing it etc for many many moons. I’m just in a shitty position, so it’s taken some time to commit. I was already thinking about this today before the thread popped up, and confirmed that it’s something I need to get serious about. Call it a sign of “fate”…

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There are plenty of teks out there that’s do not require a pressure cooker and can be done with basic supplies from any garden center.


This video goes over how to make gummies from blue juice or powder. Would love to know how long these things last. watch?v=UrKVpcrfKlg (I think I’m too new to post full links)

Does anyone know of research done on the p-bin/p-cin content of the cold extraction method “blue juice”? Based on my extremely basic knowledge, I think once things get blue (oxidation?) degradation of the actives is extremely quick.


If you add acid it turns tea blue and makes for a neat finishing. Impress your friends and horrify the public in general.


I’ll have to do some research, but it’s something I have to get serious about. The benefits, are the benefits that need in my life right now, so I need to get a little serious about it