At least she’s got good taste in music
She’s gotta learn to upload these herself
You should add that to Artwork from science. Nice pic.
Thanks! I had considered it, but I will do that now!
Thanks everyone! Special thanks @HeisenbergInd for the press! It’s pretty insane I can save your life and get you stoned all at the same time
That’s a quality partner right there
It’s come in “handy” before.
Huh, @Mrs_Heisenberg
Edit: Before any of you perverted fucks get any ideas, I lopped off two fingers a few years back and she applied the tourniquet and rushed me to the hospital for emergency surgery to reattach them.
Super impressed with your solo work while Mr.Berg is recovering! It is SOO much easier having another person in the lab that knows what’s going on! I’m looking forward to getting the results back from my latest run. Will share data once I get it. Congrats on the successful and clean conversions!
Sorry for the insensitivity but that’s some pretty funny shit lol
It happened during a “nooner” while the kids were in school.
Happened in the shower. Put my hand through the shower door. The anesthesiologist asked when the last time I had a shower…
Already told the surgeon. So him, the wife, and myself busted out laughin.
Seen the ER dr about a year later and he started bustin out laughing while I was waiting for an X-ray in the hall (totally unrelated matter )
well, if there’s something worth getting two fingers chopped off for…
How did the reattachment go?
@Mrs_Heisenberg will post after being splinted up and removal of the bandages after 6 weeks
They still tingle, can move em almost 100%, cold weather kills still so working with dry ice sucks.
They had to cut down into my hand to retrieve the tendon on the ring finger.
That’s the one to feel lucky for!
needs more B80
Thank you!!!
The debreading sucked that day to get the sutures out