Anyone Try growing crystals with magnetic fields to change the structure? Wondering if you could get similar growth to the growth they get on the ISS. Any Opinions are appreciated
I feel like you could create a similar microgravity environment using magnets.
Upon further reading doesn’t seem like creating microgravity on earth with out a lot of $ is a possibility I still would wonder how the push pull effects of the magnetic feilds would effect crystal growth
Somebody here will figure it out
What about ley lines? Does growing crystals close to or far from a ley line have an effect on their growth and structure?
Sounds like terroir of crystal growth!?
This article does a lab report on the effects of a constant uniform magnetic field on thermoelectric currents during dendritic solidification investigated using an enthalpy based numerical model. It was found that the resulting Lorentz force generates a complex flow influencing
the solidification pattern. Experimental work of material processing under high magnetic field conditions has shown that the the microstructure can be
significantly altered. wonder if it transfers to cannabis, only one way to find out.
There’s a cool thread or few around here about sound waves. Magnets sounds fun too tho
Cheers been Reading a bit about the ultrasonic but haven’t seen anyone getting those long skinny crystal structures from it
Something like this but with your crystal jar
Personally I grow the biggest crystals after charging my perineum in the full moonlight
Don’t forget to make burnt sacrifices to Mars before you start…
I seed my jars with quarts…
This is actually step two of the quick crash.
How do you transfer the moon spirit from your taint to the extract?
Nevermind, that’s probably IP.
Rather than just saying its ridiculous could someone please explain to why this is such a ridiculous idea? I have seen thca in a similar formation to the ones they created in the links I shared they would not share there process with me but I havent seen any crystals like it yet on future
Are you talking about crystal formations that look like needles?
Yes exactly have you seen this done with thc?
Yea, I believe you need a protic solvent to crystallize from.
There’s a couple pictures on here of needles grown from ethanol.
Thank you for this I will check the threads out appreciate your input
Not exactly what you’re looking for, but I know there’s better representative pictures around here.
Edit: nevermind that’s cbd.
Here’s a better lead