Dabbin’ Ferro is going to be a stage name…
Still trying to gather information on this?
for what its worth, I tried magnets, it did nothing to change the structures
I have looked into growing crystals with e-fields as it has been shown with other molecules that when grown in the presence of electrical fields, a higher x-ray diffraction crystal quality can be formed.
There are plenty of papers on it. Definitely worth checking out.
“The study found that the external electric field affects both the size and quality of the produced crystals, resulting in fewer crystals being formed of greater size, in the presence of an electric field than in its absence.19 The crystals developed at the surface of the droplet close to the cathode.19”
Going to read through this today appreciate it
If you want to influence THC or CBD with magnetic fields, you may need to apply very, very, very strong magnetic fields (likely not using a classic magnet, more like several teslas field), and also apply crogenic temperature, using at least liquid He (4 kelvins)…
Even there I hardly believe this would have any effect.
What’s going down like your chonies! I don’t know if anyone has figured this one out yet but I’ll share anyway.
We’ve been messing around with some good ol’ 70/30 and were able to get these results with the Jack Herer. We noticed the elongated structure began to form at around 3-4 days and this video was taken at 16 days.
Were any magnets used?!?
What happens when you remove the solvent?
It is known that growing crystals under electric and magnetic fields will increase the x-ray diffraction quality of the grown crystal. Have a little r&d setup for high e-field testing but never got around to it.
The acidic molecules have a polarity and thus align by it when forming crystals. Inducing an external polarity could then force the molecules to align in a more uniform fashion, thereby increasing the x-ray diffraction quality.
and unfortunately the only problem with this is, when you smoke it, the only noticeable difference is the price to manufacture it.
Technically, there were no magnets used, other than the magnetic door seal on our chest freezer. THCA is pretty stable after solvent is removed but before I go any further, I need you to know I got SOPs for the low ticket of 100 trillion dollars if you’re interested. I really don’t want to say much but the main ingredients are most definitely love, moonlight, and close encounters of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd kind.
It’s actually a very similar nucleation process. Really no difference other than post process. We also didn’t see any significant changes in yield compared to what we’ve been achieving with “normal” nucleation.
The point is you WOULD see production cost increases if you were to use precisely tuned magnetic fields…
Or had you not noticed the thread you’re in?!?