Looking to get some product white labled

thats just age on it. they should be soft to start. If they get old its like a jujubee

If they were in package and manufactured within the past couple years or so… they should not be rock hard.


i use jello, and 4 tbsp gelatin and only 1/2 cup water. and they start soft and prolly do have long shelf life, I suggest people refrigerate if they wont eat it all in a month and they tell me they didnt refrigerate the last ones for months? I use antioxidant and mold inhibitor. I still think its best to refrigerate large quantity as long as you dont have kids that may find it. but ive left a few out and they get chewy.

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Please shoot me a dm. Want to ask you about hemp derived d9 gummies

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This all day. We live in a world where food cooked by your neighbors is suspect, but chemical cocktails with infinite shelf lives are considered safe. How the heck did this happen?


mine is home grown


Nope… We actualy had an agreement with a RENTEND KITCHEN…
Every Sunday they were closed and I rented :man_shrugging:

The only time … I have ever produced a product in my home kitchen that was intended for oral consumption… that was offered in a store… was the sleep experiment… and I have refused to do nutraceuticals untill… NOW… and I’ve almost lost major business over that…

@Killa12345 everyone here knows you have no interest in D9 10mg gummies yet alone D8 anything… really?.?

5000 count ?

Illl try to break it down from a retail point of view…

10mg candy… 10 count bag… 100mg per bag… retail $40.00


Edit… Iv been under the weather the last week…


you know im not big on pics but pics of a gummy bear? wanna see my homogenizer?

You mean drunk


The flu.


I wish

$40 for 100mg is obscenely overpriced. There are brick and mortar stores you can snag 100mg worth of gummies for ~$20

online for ~$10


God I hope your dumb ass gets raided. @thumper is a real one.
You’re a self important asshat


and thats why i said id need 30mg… and ill take d8 gummies for the business. I guess you havent been reading but ive bought converted liters recently because the quality was sooo good…

SO I see your retail price…Whats the price on 5000… hy wont you disclose your wholesale price… why not show your show… whatever that means…


Good morning


super weird that the rented “commercial kitchen” in your gummy thread looks like a home kitchen and nothing like a commercial kitchen ive ever seen. they really got some weird laminated stainless cabinents… the gummy island gives a home feel in that commercial kitchen as well… and the flooring… its like they designed a commercial kitchen to look like a home gummy production set up…



Everyone is so combative now…

40 bucks retail is ridiculously overpriced for ten gummies. I think even when Colorado first went legal edibles weren’t even that much. I remember buying packs of gummies for 25 bucks otd. Not sure why 40 seems like a reasonable price.

Edit: I’m talking about things in a legal state, this is a different scenario. I’m a dingus.


I get 5 bucks on any edible. I couldn’t imagine a consumer wanting to spend more than 5 bucks. That’s 15 pieces at 350 mg


Eh Oregon rec is 50mg a package 10mg per serving and those can be anywhere from $5-15 per pack otd so $40 for 100mg isn’t shitting bricks expensive but definitely spendy at retail.

Compared to the $15-20 street value 10 pack of 50mg gummies and like under $10 street value for bootleg edibles/retail for hemp the dispo rec prices get laughed at


Barely seems worth making them for that price point

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