Iontrap testing and talk + SOP discussion

I don’t move your comments because it could easily be misconstrued as personal bias and I care more about the forum than protecting my ego.

That being said, I periodically review my comments and if I’m just being a complete asshole I revise my comments to not be a dick for the sake of being a dick


Seriously. It’s helped a ton of people, is taxed and regulated in almost all of the united states, has to be meticulously lab tested,is only marketed to 21+, I can go on but the industry is making every move it can to be compliant,safe,organized and a legitimate business.

There’s people with professional experience that left 6 figure jobs and contracts to work with the cannabis industry in one way or another.

There’s at least 50 different professions and educational degrees that I can list right now that go along with the industry. … How dare anyone call canna-industry a disgrace? That alone is disgraceful.


We’ll see if the cresol is in there.

I’ll ask the team how we’re looking on Monday.

I do want to say that, in our previous experiences working together, our team chased supplement adulteration (think methamphetamine analogues) and doping of horses (some vets and trainers deserve the FBI attention they’re getting). Those actions were deliberate and people intentionally misused drugs and harmful compounds.

If this contamination is present then I highly doubt people intentionally and knowingly sold material containing these compounds.

Of course there is still negligence, but is it criminal?

Intentionally misleading buyers for any reason (e.g. someone adding vitamin e acetate, selling d8 as not having any d9 [I don’t care that something is hot, I care about misrepresentation], or not taking an extra step to clean it up) is unjust and fixing those problems makes our industry better.

We never trashed the supplement or horseracing industries because a group of people cheated the system. The system eventually caught up to them though. And some culprits find new ways to play their game.


Or intentionally acting like you know a crude product with 22% unknowns to be a magical cutting agent then the manufacturer says there sn’t any and you create an elaborate wild goose chase ending in you being caught in an elaborate scam.

So glad you’re above that…


I commend you for changing your tune and standing your ground against this troll fest :100::100::+1::+1::sunglasses:


It’s not every day we have people threatening our community with the DEA. I missed that initially then went ham. Sorry for all the hammering.

Thanks everyone who helped dig into the truth on that cartridge and mystery cutting agent.

Here’s the real mystery.
Iontrap openly blasting other people as if knowing them directly or through an associate.
They also covered up WNC as the failed gummy test.

I still appreciated the shared science, not the rest of the crap.

There is a reason they didn’t say who they were.

I don’t care if I shot the golden goose if the eggs are a lie.

I was wrong about any potential other associates.

All this digging because protecting IP of a cutting agent that is denied by the 10/10 manufacturer. Sorry we want to know the truth and not have people be targeted by the DEA…


Look at that a rec company going after D8 and hemp what a shocker :roll_eyes:


Iontrap located.

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Find out who he works for yet? Lol

gee what a coincidence isn’t OLCC on the D8 warpath now?

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Is that a bad thing? Unlike tennessee where you just blend it and send it, people think of cannabis as medicine there still


I thought @iontrap and @IonStorm were partners and @IonStorm had a SF bag type 7?

You guys are doing well? D8ben, or lab rats or a Cali person. Now Oregon. This one is good. Lol


You’ve never seen people associated in two different locations? Good detective work killa…

I also directly asked storm. For clarification.


Oh yeah. I see it’s changing every 12 hours for ya

This is like asking the manufacturer yesterday if they will admit they cut carts. I’m sure all manufacturers will do that.

Let see your detective work… show us what you got.


I don’t see the connection to @IonStorm outside of name, honestly.


All the people with @extraction as their first
Name work together too. Didn’t you know??

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That’s why I’ve asked for clarification on Ionstorm. Don’t want to add him if he’s not a part of it. He’s read this. Decided to not respond.

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You’re the detective. Share what you’ve found bro.